Yeah this is an apple site, but still, its an incredible feat for a corporation to last 100 years. They seemingly reinvented themselves a number of times and continue to thrive.
I remember working as a computer operator dealing with punch cards and hanging tapes. Back then it was really a fun job, working on the big iron.
I'm not ashamed to admit that I owned a PC XT back in the day. While the Macintosh had its allure and was great. There was something that PC had which allowed geeks like me to really get into the nitty gritty of the system. I remember programming in basic and assembler. Compiling my first operating system well before Linux was even a twinkling in Tovald's eye. I even started writing an OS in C and assembler, though I never got to finish it.
I remember working as a computer operator dealing with punch cards and hanging tapes. Back then it was really a fun job, working on the big iron.
I'm not ashamed to admit that I owned a PC XT back in the day. While the Macintosh had its allure and was great. There was something that PC had which allowed geeks like me to really get into the nitty gritty of the system. I remember programming in basic and assembler. Compiling my first operating system well before Linux was even a twinkling in Tovald's eye. I even started writing an OS in C and assembler, though I never got to finish it.