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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 19, 2011
South Florida (Miami)
I bought a new hard drive for my 13"-inch macbook pro unibody (Mid-2009) version.
The specific hard drive i bought is this one...

Now i need to know, how i can transfer the data from my current hard drive that is in my macbook pro, to the new one i just bought!

Is their a special cable i need or is their an easier way for this. Please let me know I'll appreciate it a lot. :D Thanks!
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macrumors 6502a
Aug 30, 2006
You have 2 options: All depending if you have an external drive.

1. If you have an external hard drive, just backup with Time Machine.
1a. If you back up with Time Machine, you will need to reinstall Mac OS X on the new hard drive and hook up the external drive and restore everything from there.

2.If you don't have an external hard drive, then you will need a hard drive enclosure. Newegg has a ton.

What you should do is install the new hard drive, you bought, in the enclosure. Then hook it up to your MBP and run something called Carbon Copy Cloner (CCC - It will make an exact copy of the old hard drive and mirror it to the new drive. Once done, just take out the old drive and replace it with the new drive you put in the enclosure. After everything is working, put the old drive in the enclosure and use it as an external drive for back ups with Time Machine or CCC.

Hope this helps!
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