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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 23, 2016
Im on a IMAC with the following external hard drives attached to my USBC ports.
My Book.
G-Grive with Thunderbolt.
I have unchecked "Put hard drives to sleep when possible", but they keep going off every fifteen minutes or so. Makes my computer lag for about five seconds whenever I try to access them after this point which I'm an editor so this is not acceptable.

What can I try?


macrumors 601
Feb 17, 2008
Fort Worth, Texas
I've run into this before and usually it requires a firmware update to the drive itself before you can disable the built in sleep function. There are apps you can try but I honestly don't know how effective they are at keeping the drives awake: Caffein, and Amphetamine. You can also check with the drive manufacturer to see if they have a software solution.


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
Options I'd try:

1. One of the "keep alive" apps mentioned above.
if that doesn't work...
2. Go to the energy saver pref pane, and set "computer sleep" to NEVER. See if that helps. No, the Mac won't sleep, but it -might- keep the drives spinning.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 23, 2016
Options I'd try:

1. One of the "keep alive" apps mentioned above.
if that doesn't work...
2. Go to the energy saver pref pane, and set "computer sleep" to NEVER. See if that helps. No, the Mac won't sleep, but it -might- keep the drives spinning.

I have set everything to on, even this setting. I've tried to update the firmware but support is saying these drives dont need any firmware updates.
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