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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 17, 2008
After reading through the "new psp phone thread" it got me interested in games for the iPhone. (I'm not debating hardcore games on/not made for the iPhone). Just wondering what games the forum posters of macrumors enjoy? I'm not talking about doodle jump or angry birds, more like the 12.99 apps with a story line that takes a couple of hours to actually beat. Also I'm on my phone so forgive me if I needed to search.
You could trying Zenonia saga, Chaos Ring, Hybrid saga they all have a nice storyline and last you for awhile. You could also find some other games with storyline/gameplay from checking the roleplay section in the app store.
that role-playing category you mentioned actually helped a lot, lots of games to check out in there

still wondering on any personal reviews and such of each, don't want to spend 10+ on more than one app or so
I played Vay and enjoyed it. I also have the first Zenonia and Final Fantasy but I haven't finished either one yet. Both are really good so far. Look online for more in depth reviews but you can't go wrong with any of these three.
Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions should be released on Sept 15 for $14.99.

I played the original PS1 version, but never came around to the remake of the PSP version. I may purchase it, but it is just a remake with a fresh new coat in graphics. I remember it took me like over an hour to beat this one level because how weak my team is in the beginning. But once you get Orlandu (or Orlandeau based on the new one), it is pretty much game over for the opponents. It takes like 5-10 min to beat the final boss once you get Orlandu.

iPhone can never really be a hardcore gaming device without buttons and tactile feedback. It will be limited to certain genres. Plus, this is Apple and their iron fist with censorship. Nintendo is like the Disney of video gaming, but they start looking rated R compared to Apple. Nintendo at least let the blood flow in Mortal Kombat II for SNES after refusing to do it in MK1 a year prior. Dead or Alive Dimensions is coming to the 3DS, and it looks awesome! Bouncy boobs in 3D!
Prince of Persia : Warrior Within, it is huge, a full PS2 port and unlike most of Gamelofts games button smashing won't cut it you need to master the controls and make use your weapons skills to get through it. I have bought most of the premium priced games and for me this is by far the most challenging and rewarding. Graphics have been toned down a bit to reduce polygon count from the PS2 version but they are none the less amazing for it.
So far the most "hardcore" games I've bought are Chaos Rings and NOVA, both of which are pretty good. I'm particularly excited about what's going to come out of the Unreal engine coming to the platform (download the Epic Citadel tech demo app if you haven't already).
Zenonia is like Zelda and WoW

Dark nebula is just super cool

Chaos ring Is like the battle system from ff7 without the epic story.

Geodefense is just on another level of addiction.

Zenonia is the funnest rpg while not the newest. After Zenonia play inotia 2 then zenonia 2. There's 2 months of hardcore
Yeah i was psyched last week when i heard about that new gta update (HD) but it was only for ipad :( im waiting for retina version before even trying it.
A bit disappointed Final Fantasy Tactics isn't coming out today, but I can wait. If i really wanted to get the game, I would have bought the PSP version a long time ago. But glad to see one of my favorite FF games coming to iPhone. I would like to see a bit more depth and fine attention to detail and presentation when it comes to iPhone games. Willing to pay $15-20 for it. Makes me yearn for the Nintendo 3DS!
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