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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 15, 2016
Please help! Apparently there are things you can do to get the fan to stop and for it to speed back up. (I don't mine losing all my memory) I have three tests this week and no time!


macrumors 6502a
Aug 27, 2008
Toronto, Canada
That's what it said was the error after doing the hardware test.
1) That's what what said?
2) What "hardware test"?
3) What error?
4) What fan?
5) Why are you trying to get said fan to stop?
6) Why are you trying to get said fan to speed up?
7) What memory don't you mind losing?
8) If 7) is computer memory, are you aware that you lose the memory contents any time you shut down or restar the computer?
9) What do your tests (I'm assuming school tests) have to do with anything?


macrumors G5
Jul 30, 2003
Are you having an actual problem (and not just an error code that worries you, which may simply be a false positive)?

If your fan is running (or maybe NOT running) you can try to use one of the fan control utilities, such as SMCFancontrol.
That will monitor your various heat sensor for actual temps, and also allow you to increase the fan speed, if that may be necessary.
I assume that your "tests" mean that you don't want to give up your MBPro for a sensor error that may not be really affecting you.
But, at least you can monitor your temps, adjust your fan speeds if you think that will be necessary. The IMPORTANT issue will be the actual temps reported by sensors, which you can use that software to track.
Then, when your school tests are complete, you can take in for service, if that seems necessary.
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