Has any one's iMac fallen of their desk? I am always worried about it happening. If it did happen can you post some pics of the damage. Also what was the worst thing you have seen done to a computer?
I once was at an Apple Store where a guy just picked up his iMac from repair at the Genius Bar. He tucked it under his arm and walked out of the building, where he let it slip out of his hands, landing face-down on the concrete sidewalk. The glass screen shattered, and who knows what other damage occurred.
It was one of those moments where you're just glad it didn't happen to you.
A mate's cat jumped down onto his desk, knocking his iMac face forward onto the desk. The mouse broke the screen.
A mate's cat jumped down onto his desk, knocking his iMac face forward onto the desk. The mouse broke the screen.
Really bugs me that 24'' is the only model with VESA capability.. iMacs would be that much better if they could universally be mounted.Yeah, some animal knocking it seems like the only way.
Their stands are very solid. If you're really worried about it and have a 24" iMac then scoop up http://store.apple.com/us/product/MB902ZM/A?mco=NDcwMDcwOA one of those for 30 bucks
and then any vesa compliant 100mm wall mount http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824998150 like this.
No more issue.
That cat WOULD be killed on the spot if that was my iMac, no doubt about it.
The poor cat was run over soon after - the owner swears it wasn't him.
Shame, he was a nice cat.
Are these any good? http://eshop.macsales.com/item/Rain Design/10033/
Dude are you serious. The only way its gonna fall off is if you throw it down.