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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jul 3, 2003
I tried doing some interesting things with GarageBand.

I took my acoustic guitar and played it through my iMac's built-in mic. I then chose a guitar effect under "real instrument" and my acoustic became electric. :)

You can do the same thing with drums, too! I used my finger, made a beat on my table and I chose a drum effect, and it sounded like a real kit.

Good times.
wow. i didn't now it could do that. i can wait to get the monster adapter for my bass :) make it sound like a standup bacoustic bass ;)
What setup did you use? I tried to get an acoustic guitar into iTunes and I couldn't get anything to register.
Originally posted by dukemeiser
What setup did you use? I tried to get an acoustic guitar into iTunes and I couldn't get anything to register.

you need to be in garageband to record, not iTunes. GarageBand is for making music, and iTunes is for organizing music.
You can also do it with loops. If like that piano loop but really want the organ sound, drag the loop to an organ track ... same loop, differnt intrument.
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