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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 20, 2016
I'm in the interview process with apple. I have been on three interviews already. My most recent interview was about 2 weeks ago. I am located in NYC so each interview has taken about 2 weeks to hear back from the last. They recently emailed me with the subject "it's time to complete your apple application." Just had to put some references in and agree to a candidate privacy agreement. Does anyone know if thats bad or good? Seems as if its my background check. I also have been going for the technical specialist position if you were wonderin
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 20, 2016
Standard hiring process/procedure. I had 3 for Genius (or whatever they're calling it now) and 3 for sales. Didn't get either position. :D

So it doesn't mean anything bad yet? It took a long time between each interview to hear back. They send a rejection letter correct? I just hope I hear by tomorrow or monday!


macrumors 601
Feb 24, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
Correct. They generally do send you an e-mail if they moved on to another candidate so if you haven't received any sort of notice and they're still requesting information from you, I would say you're still being considered for the position.
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