So i set my alarm last night for 8am to wake up for work. So this morning the alarm goes off and i go to turn it off and my screen is off. I try pressing the home buttom to turn it on like 20 times and nothing. I then try the sleep/wake button like 20 times and nothing. My alarm jsut kept going off with the screen off. Im like wtf. I then try to retore it by pressing the home and sleep button and that wouldnt work till like the 3rd try. Ok, after that i got the screen on. But for the nest 2 hours, everytime i would put it to sleep, the screen would go off then there would be a black line in the midle that would flash right after i put it to sleep. Has anyone had this issue? Opinion on if it sounds like a 2.0 issue or a phone issue??? My 15 days is up tomorrow and im going to return it if its a phone issue. Thanks .......