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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 28, 2006
For those that just bought in the last week or two,
I'm looking to buy a Macbook 2.0 White, Superdrive.

Has Apple corrected any of the problems on the Macbook ?

Whinning , Pealing, Rough Edges, Dis-Coloring, etc.
i just bought a white macbook, 2.0ghz superdrive from my on-campus apple store this wed (about 2 days ago, I guess). Sales guy said it was a fresh shipment just in this week, the serial said it was a week 26.

So far no problems, very quiet, no discoloration yet. Runs a little hot, 66 C to 69 C (haven't broken 70 C yet, in the middle of this CA heat wave). Updated to 10.4.7 without issues.
I've had mine about three weeks now and it appears to be perfect (though it does run hot - idles at around 60 and goes up to 84 with intensive CPU work).
jbusc said:
i just bought a white macbook, 2.0ghz superdrive from my on-campus apple store this wed (about 2 days ago, I guess). Sales guy said it was a fresh shipment just in this week, the serial said it was a week 26.

So far no problems, very quiet, no discoloration yet. Runs a little hot, 66 C to 69 C (haven't broken 70 C yet, in the middle of this CA heat wave). Updated to 10.4.7 without issues.
my week 26 MB just started showing discoloration (took about 3 weeks to start).
xfiftyfour said:
my week 26 MB just started showing discoloration (took about 3 weeks to start).
mine aswell, week26. just started turning yellow...... god damnit.
Well, doesn't the apple store get a new shipment almost every other day.....I talked to the guy at the apple store and he said they are constantly getting shipments. In fact he said they still sell out some days.....
macdaddy121 said:
Well, doesn't the apple store get a new shipment almost every other day.....I talked to the guy at the apple store and he said they are constantly getting shipments. In fact he said they still sell out some days.....

Could also be true. I personally just order online so I know Im getting the newest, most current model.
Ok what if I walk into the store today and buy a macbook what are my chances of getting a defected one?? LOL
breakfastcrew said:
Ok what if I walk into the store today and buy a macbook what are my chances of getting a defected one?? LOL
pretty good with apple's track record thus far. :p

i'm joking of course - i'd say if you're looking to buy one, then buy one. if it turns out you get one that has problems, call applecare and have them fix or replace it for you.
I don't know... my white week 22 MacBook 2.0 has none of the mentioned issues... it's perfect... a very, very good little machine... :cool:

Don't believe all the FUD. Get a MacBook and if you should be unlucky and get a faulty machine (and I guess the chance you actually get a bad one is very slim), well just change it under warranty., that's what warranties are for (as I just said over at an iPod thread). :)
Mitthrawnuruodo said:
I don't know... my white week 22 MacBook 2.0 has none of the mentioned issues... it's perfect... a very, very good little machine... :cool:

Don't believe all the FUD. Get a MacBook and if you should be unlucky and get a faulty machine (and I guess the chance you actually get a bad one is very slim), well just change it under warranty., that's what warranties are for (as I just said over at an iPod thread). :)

And you're right. Im just saying I buy mine online to ensure that I don't have to bother with faulty machine action. I also don't buy Rev. A's but that's just me.
My new (replacement) white macbook is a week 27.

whine - Yes. (yet to see one that doesn't)

moo - No. (as the apple discussion thread says, they all have the same fan behavior. The question is whether the fan itself is loud enough for you to hear the "moo.")

overheat - No. (67 C normal operating temp; I don't consider this unusual on a dual core 2 Ghz cpu)

peeling - No. (only on blackbooks AFAIK)

random shut downs - No. (not yet. took 2 months to show up on my last one)

discoloration - Yes. (This MB had the same pourous plastic that my week 20 did, but I had the apple techs swap on the smoother plastic that I'd gotten on the week 20 when it started to discolor. But I said "yes" because this one did ship with plastic that would have discolored.)

rough edges - Yes. The edges are unnecessarily sharp. This the way they are designed. It may be a poor design choice, but it's not a "defect," and it won't change until rev. B (if at all).

IMO you are no safer buying today than you were when they were released.
Stridder44 said:
And you're right. Im just saying I buy mine online to ensure that I don't have to bother with faulty machine action. I also don't buy Rev. A's but that's just me.
I don't know. I've gotten my last three laptops, a Pismo, an iBook G4 and now a MacBook within very short time of their release (it's a stretch to call the Pismo a rev. A, but for argument's sake I will ;)).

I got both the Pismo and MacBook from third party Apple dealers and the suppliers were present when I tried them the first time. Both were perfect**.

The iBook I got from the online AppleStore and that came with a defect speaker (never found out if it was the speaker itself or the sound module). I had to call Apple - which turned out to be a couple of highly aggravating calls because of especially one arrogant Swede that refused to understand Norwegian :mad: - and ship them the iBook before the replacement arrived (which happened within a week, but still).

There's also the issue with dead pixels... very easily detected in the store, much worse if you get it online...

All in all I prefer to get my Macs at a brick and mortar store with people I can look in the eye (and strangle if need be) that some online store with (very variable) phone support employees...

**Only issues were a 3rd party RAM module for one of the two Pismos we got was DOA and needed to be replaced, had the new module within days, and a 3rd party HD I put into the Pismo a year later needed to be replaced much later, also under warranty.
Mitthrawnuruodo said:
I don't know. I've gotten my last three laptops, a Pismo, an iBook G4 and now a MacBook within very short time of their release (it's a stretch to call the Pismo a rev. A, but for argument's sake I will ;)).

I got both the Pismo and MacBook from third party Apple dealers and the suppliers were present when I tried them the first time. Both were perfect**.

Glad to hear all is going well with your MB, Mitthrawnuruodo. Depending on WWDC, I'm going to be hoping for the same luck :)
My Black MacBook purchsed at the end of May:

whine - No.

moo - Yes. I occassionaly hear the sound that is described as the "moo". It requires a very specific combination of room temperature, processing load and placement of the laptop (on my knees or on a cushion). On the few occasions when I hear the moo I simply move the laptop a little to give more air circulation to the bottom of the machine or place it on a table (effectively improving air circulation) and the moo goes away.

overheat - No. 65 C normal operating temp. Sometimes the idle temp is around 58C. This is lower than the operating temp I've seen on other Core Duo laptops, specifically the Thinkpads. Max temp for my MacBook appears to be 81C CPU temp.

peeling - No.

random shut downs - No.

discoloration - No. AFAIK only applies to white MacBooks.

rough edges - No.
I guess I'll do what everyone else is doing. No idea what week my Macbook is, but I bought it about a month ago now.

whine - No. Perhaps I'm just not fussy enough, but I can only hear a very very very faint high pitched noise when the HD is accessed. Not at all noticable unless your're ear lever with the laptop.

moo - No. Not at all. Fan behaviour sounds perfectly normal to me. The fans barely ever turn on at all actually (apart from when I rip DVD's).

overheat - No. 57-59C on low intensity usage. Can reach 85C when ripping and encoding.

peeling - No. This one's new to me :confused:

random shut downs - No. I've had one "You must shut down your Mac" message - but that was after I had clicked "Force Shutdown" for iTunes when it was trying (and failing) to rip a scratched CD (iTunes deals with scratched CDs terribly...instead of just giving up and telling you its scratched, it'll just go on and on and on...)

discoloration - No. Nope. Not at all (fingers crossed). I do generally wash my hands before using my Macbook.

rough edges - No. Pfft...silly complaint imo. Its something that wouldn't even have crossed my mind. Infact, the design of the edges adds to the look, imo.

All in all, great choice. Maybe I've just been lucky :confused:
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