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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Sep 14, 2015
For as long as I can remember, the iOS keyboard will autocorrect all major holidays (at least US holidays), but I don’t think it’s ever autocorrected thanksgiving with a capital T.

Any idea why?
Typing thanksgiving does not always refer to the holiday i.e. "There will be a lot of thanksgiving on that day!", "What are your plans for Thanksgiving?"

Can’t imagine many people are typing the word “thanksgiving” and using it like the first example...
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I would hope to not have autocorrect capitalize thanksgiving - and I would be one of those "not many" people who primarily use thanksgiving as a common word. Dictionary shows number one definition is an expression of gratitude. Number 2 def shows as a holiday (where it would be capitalized, of course.)
It's all in the context, eh?
My 11PM definitely had the capital T in the center box, but I'm not sure if it would autocorrect because I just tapped it after typing tha.
Obviously the word "thanksgiving" doesn't simply refer to the holiday, but like 99.6% of iPhone users (made-up statistic), every single use of the word in my iMessages is in reference to the holiday.

Anyway, I set up a text replacement years ago, to auto-capitalize Thanksgiving. Also proper names like Bill and Sue (for those, I just add a letter - "bill" is lower case and "billl" autocorrects to Bill. Easy enough.
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