In Monterey, with System Preferences->Keyboard->Shortcuts, you could access this pane, which allowed one to customize and enable certain useful keyboard shortcuts; e.g., here I've set CTRL-I for invert colors.
Apple Support's Sonoma instructions give the following approach that requires use of a keyboard plus mouse, but I'm looking for direct shortcuts that are keyboard-only.
I know one can write an Apple Script to do this, but I'm looking for a built-in way first.
Apple Support's Sonoma instructions give the following approach that requires use of a keyboard plus mouse, but I'm looking for direct shortcuts that are keyboard-only.
I know one can write an Apple Script to do this, but I'm looking for a built-in way first.
Change display colors on Mac to make it easier to see what’s onscreen
On your Mac, invert display colors, make transparent items solid, and modify display colors with color filters.
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