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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 6, 2009
Ive been using iphone 3g for about 2 weeks. I went into sleep mode an hour ago and then I wanted to text someone but my iphone's screen wouldn't turn on even after hitting the home button or the lock button(You know how the screen turns on when you hit the lock/home button). The battery wasn't dead and I've never dropped it before nor did I jb it. Current FW 2.2.1. Did this happen to anyone else? I had to connect it to itunes to have the screen lit. Would this be a FW bug?
yes, I just got my iphone a few weeks ago, and got it unlcked last week. SInce then it has done that same problem once, and currently has no service. I have taken it back to get ulcked once and they did it and was told that the next time it does this just put my sim in another phone and make a call then put it back.
Is it commen that I loose service so much tho, it lost service yesterday and again today and I am completely lost as to why its doing this.
Does this mean that everytime Im in an area that tmobile doesnt have service my iphone will completely lock up causes me to loose my contacts and pictures and texts and all that grat stuff
Periodically, perhaps once every 10 days or so, I will get a call and the screen will not light up no matter whether I presss the home or the sleep button. I do not have to do a hard reset but after a few seconds the screen will light up after the call has finished.

I have done full restores, including restores as a new phone and am just living with this issue (I have had the phone replaced once already). My phone is non-jailbroken nor is it unlocked and am using 2.2.1 firmware.
How often do you turn your phone off/on? I was told that they recommend turning the phone completely off and back on at least once or twice a week. Otherwise, it's like running your computer constantly. Software bugs will occur.
I never turn off the phone even when charging but I heard its best to turn it off. Apparently if you charge it after you've turned it off it turns back on automatically.....
rule of thumb is usually to hold the top power button and the home button until it shuts off and keep them both held until you see the apple logo and then quickly let go of both.

this is a reset and will give you a fresh phone with the max memory available to you on your specific unit, until of course you start opening apps and stuff.

when my screen goes blank and nothing seems to work, I just do that reset and it will come back on every need to plug it into itunes.

hope that helps
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