I hit the button because I have a cast on I don’t like the 1os 14 causing problems just trying to use phone. I need help please only have thumb on on other hand to broken fingers to. I m getting so frustrated don’t know why to do. Thanks
I hit the button because I have a cast on I don’t like the 1os 14 causing problems just trying to use phone. I need help please only have thumb on on other hand to broken fingers to. I m getting so frustrated don’t know why to do. Thanks
You might want to describe the issues your having that is iOS 14 specific. I really don't see how iOS 14 differs in any way to other older versions as far as implementing functions goes...
I prefer iOS 13 when it was uniquely iOS. While still iOS, I hate widgets. I use them because I might as well. But iOS 14 looks like a pretty android which sickens me.