Hello, I was one of the may 10th Pre-orderers who got an iPad delivered yesterday and I have got to say that typing on this thing is not too bad at all! Like many others I was worried that it would cripple the device for productivity, personally I specialise in writing short page long stories so I was never in to much trouble or at risk of having to write 1000's of words at a time, yesterday I attempted to write a "thoughts about" the iPad post for my site, and found that 600 words later I had not had any real problems at all or taken any great deal of time longer to write than I would have on my good old iMac!
Anyway I don't get much discussion over at my site so I thought I would post my tale of Hate and Love here... remember that it was written for my site so it may seem a little bit out there, the original article is here: http://www.invertedhourglass.com/in...(Thoughts,_Review_and_unboxing_video!).html for anybody who cares!
so how many other haters like me turned into a day -1 owner?!
Hello there lads and lasses! I must start this random techie post by saying yes I know I was a massive iPad hater back in the day (all the way back in January!) Yet here we are and I am now writing this post sitting on the edge of my bed typing away on the onscreen keyboard of my very own iPad!
So how did we get to this situation? Well firstly I am sure a lot of people who know me will back up that I have almost no self control when it comes to this sort of thing and very few of them will be surprised that I ended up pre-ordering one at 6am on the day they were first available.... Although to be fair I was having my hernia operation done on that day so I didn't get up early specifically for that!
So why did I go from hating to loving? That is a question that will plague mankind for years I am sure, so I will ease the pressure by giving a quick overview now! Basically I have always said that tablet computers were the future and have been desperate to have one but none of the previous offerings were what I had hoped for... So when apple were poised to release one I got caught up in the chaos with all the other Internet tech enthusiasts and imagined up something that was to be the greatest thing ever... So when apple finally revealed the iPad and all it was was this "big iPhone" I was suitably disappointed.
Despite the fact that the iPhone is amazing and one of my favourite devices of all time I along with many others couldn't see how a big version of it would be different. So I set about my wild rantings and constant criticism of the device... Until it launched in America! As soon as I saw the iPad being used and seeing that the limitations (no flash, multitasking and the onscreen keyboard) were nowhere near as destructive to the device as I had imagined I got swept up in the exact opposite camp of the Internet.... The WOW I NEED AN IPAD RIGHT NOW side of things I like to refer to it as!
I have been using my iPad almost constantly for the last six hours and all I can say is that I am glad I changed my mind and jumped on board! This really is a fantastic device, typing on it is not to bad at all, I am making very few mistakes and hitting a good speed considering this is the first time I have ever tried to type anything proper on it. I am more than satisfied that I will be fetching the iPad out with me on walks to use to write my short stories etc on. This thing is very compact and weighs less than a third of the weight of my laptop so it is ideal for taking out into the hills for some proper peace and quiet for writing!
I almost hate myself for being so impressed by it after all that I said against it but I cannot deny that the iPad in these last few hours alone has proven to me that I am one crazy fool for not seeing how good it would be from day one! The core features are solid, there are already thousands of apps for it, including some fantastic games and it is relatively small and light. I can't wait to see where this ends up accompanying me... But now I will stop the ranting and raving about this little device and continue writing my humble short stories.
Here is my "No-Nonsense" Unboxing that you may have already seen! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jx-R09xIIks
Anyway I don't get much discussion over at my site so I thought I would post my tale of Hate and Love here... remember that it was written for my site so it may seem a little bit out there, the original article is here: http://www.invertedhourglass.com/in...(Thoughts,_Review_and_unboxing_video!).html for anybody who cares!
so how many other haters like me turned into a day -1 owner?!
Hello there lads and lasses! I must start this random techie post by saying yes I know I was a massive iPad hater back in the day (all the way back in January!) Yet here we are and I am now writing this post sitting on the edge of my bed typing away on the onscreen keyboard of my very own iPad!
So how did we get to this situation? Well firstly I am sure a lot of people who know me will back up that I have almost no self control when it comes to this sort of thing and very few of them will be surprised that I ended up pre-ordering one at 6am on the day they were first available.... Although to be fair I was having my hernia operation done on that day so I didn't get up early specifically for that!
So why did I go from hating to loving? That is a question that will plague mankind for years I am sure, so I will ease the pressure by giving a quick overview now! Basically I have always said that tablet computers were the future and have been desperate to have one but none of the previous offerings were what I had hoped for... So when apple were poised to release one I got caught up in the chaos with all the other Internet tech enthusiasts and imagined up something that was to be the greatest thing ever... So when apple finally revealed the iPad and all it was was this "big iPhone" I was suitably disappointed.
Despite the fact that the iPhone is amazing and one of my favourite devices of all time I along with many others couldn't see how a big version of it would be different. So I set about my wild rantings and constant criticism of the device... Until it launched in America! As soon as I saw the iPad being used and seeing that the limitations (no flash, multitasking and the onscreen keyboard) were nowhere near as destructive to the device as I had imagined I got swept up in the exact opposite camp of the Internet.... The WOW I NEED AN IPAD RIGHT NOW side of things I like to refer to it as!
I have been using my iPad almost constantly for the last six hours and all I can say is that I am glad I changed my mind and jumped on board! This really is a fantastic device, typing on it is not to bad at all, I am making very few mistakes and hitting a good speed considering this is the first time I have ever tried to type anything proper on it. I am more than satisfied that I will be fetching the iPad out with me on walks to use to write my short stories etc on. This thing is very compact and weighs less than a third of the weight of my laptop so it is ideal for taking out into the hills for some proper peace and quiet for writing!
I almost hate myself for being so impressed by it after all that I said against it but I cannot deny that the iPad in these last few hours alone has proven to me that I am one crazy fool for not seeing how good it would be from day one! The core features are solid, there are already thousands of apps for it, including some fantastic games and it is relatively small and light. I can't wait to see where this ends up accompanying me... But now I will stop the ranting and raving about this little device and continue writing my humble short stories.
Here is my "No-Nonsense" Unboxing that you may have already seen! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jx-R09xIIks