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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 28, 2006
So i've got about 200 bucks to spend on 2 gigs or ram that i'm getting for my first ever mac (macbook) which is in the mail:D
Very excited!

So, I know some people have had ram issues, with certain cheap ram from certain who can direct me towards 2 gigs for around 200 that will work properly with my new macbook.

Any links would be very much appreciated.

I've checked out newegg...I just dont know which ones are compatible so i'd rather go by first hand experience of you guys who have installed a certain companies 2 gigs in your macbooks and it works.

well, i got 2 sticks of G.Skill, but when I got it it was bunches cheaper...

it's still in your price range, though, for the two sticks.. shipping shouldn't be too much, so you'll just have that added expense.
I bought 1 stick of Patriot RAM for my iMac for $79. It hasn't given me any hassle at all. The price has gone up greatly on NewEgg. It was $94.99 two days ago! And $84.99 two weeks ago!

After looking at xfiftyfour post it looks like DDR2 RAM prices have gone up greatly over the past month.
I just price out a 2 GB kit for another poster last night.

NewEgg has a listing for Crucial 1GB MacBook DIMMS @$119.99 each, but while they will work, there is no specific Apple compatibilty guarantee. lists their Apple guaranteed MacBook DIMMS in a 2 GB kit for $250.00

OWC ( ) lists their Apple guaranteed MacBook DIMMS in a 2 GB kit
for $259.99 and $279.00

I would personally go with Datamem
Khurram said:
Do the macbooks take 200 pin or 240 pin?
sorry im a newb to macs
200-pin DDR2 SO-DIMM for all current Macs except the Mac Pro. What does RAM have to do with Macs though? You're buying "PC" RAM for you Mac anyways. *gasp*
Two Words ... CRUCIAL RAM. I NEVER use any ram other than Crucial. Good prices, excellent warranty, compatibility promise, and fast shipping.

I never been using Crucial ram for 5 years and I have never had a bad stick, ever. If I build a system for someone, for them to get a warranty from me they must agree to let me get Crucial for the system. If not, they get to resort to the warranty of the individual parts.

Def. go with Crucial, and go through the site to ensure compatibiity.
Abraxsis said:
Two Words ... CRUCIAL RAM. I NEVER use any ram other than Crucial. Good prices, excellent warranty, compatibility promise, and fast shipping.
Have you ever seen the price fluctuations on Crucial? I've had Safari turn out a lower price while Internet Explorer on Windows XP turns out a higher one. This is simultaneously checking prices as well.
I dont really like Cruical RAM that much.

I've had nothing but bad luck with their SDRAM modules.

Plus then the whole prices seemed rigged how different machines get you a different pricing.

I personally think its overpriced crap. I go with the cheaper RAM, and it all works the same, I've never had any problems with any of my Macs and Kingston RAM, but I had some Cruical and boy was it a headache.
There's nothing wrong with wanting to save some money, but you do need to be careful about bargain basement RAM.

I think it's silly to quibble over $50.00 when that difference assures that you are installing Apple Qualifed DIMMS with a lifetime guarantee.

Crucial does play games with pricing, so they don't get my business, but Datamem
and OWC have long standing reputations for quality products at a reasonable price.

NewEgg is O.K. if you know exactly what you are doing, but you can end up paying shipping and restocking fees if you choose the wrong DIMMS.

You might want to read CanadaRam's comments on what makes RAM Apple compliant.

2) the settings burned into the Serial Presence Detect Chip or SPD. Apple is much stricter about SPD values than PC makers. But you never get to compare what the SPD settings are because these are never advertised. That's why you need to rely on the seller to test the RAM and guarantee compatibility, or you can take your chances with generic RAM.

From the Developer Notes: "Important: For a DIMM to be recognized by the startup software, the SPD feature must be programmed properly to indicate the timing modes supported by the DIMM."
Thanks guys,
I'm gonna go ahead and order 2 sticks of the 1gig gskill ram...if you guys are using it and it works fine, it's good for me!
thanks again
FFTT said:
There's nothing wrong with wanting to save some money, but you do need to be careful about bargain basement RAM.

I think it's silly to quibble over $50.00 when that difference assures that you are installing Apple Qualifed DIMMS with a lifetime guarantee.

Crucial does play games with pricing, so they don't get my business, but Datamem
and OWC have long standing reputations for quality products at a reasonable price.

NewEgg is O.K. if you know exactly what you are doing, but you can end up paying shipping and restocking fees if you choose the wrong DIMMS.

You might want to read CanadaRam's comments on what makes RAM Apple compliant.

2) the settings burned into the Serial Presence Detect Chip or SPD. Apple is much stricter about SPD values than PC makers. But you never get to compare what the SPD settings are because these are never advertised. That's why you need to rely on the seller to test the RAM and guarantee compatibility, or you can take your chances with generic RAM.

From the Developer Notes: "Important: For a DIMM to be recognized by the startup software, the SPD feature must be programmed properly to indicate the timing modes supported by the DIMM."
I bought 2gb of "Macbook certified RAM" (admittedly cheap) only to have heaps of problems. The ram always tested fine with every app under the sun but I had considerable headaches with my volume and particularly safari and quicktime becoming crash happy. Eventually I had to choose between taking the whole Macbook back to Apple or taking a punt on buying new RAM. I did the latter.

Samsung ram solved that problem, bought for under AU$100 a 1gb stick. All of my problems have gone.
I personally would have just added more Apple RAM to my purchase if I were you. WHen it comes to Macs, I don't like the idea of third-party RAM. I've been told Macs can sometimes be finnicky with certain third-party RAM. But then again I could be wrong. ;)
JSchwage said:
I personally would have just added more Apple RAM to my purchase if I were you. WHen it comes to Macs, I don't like the idea of third-party RAM. I've been told Macs can sometimes be finnicky with certain third-party RAM. But then again I could be wrong. ;)
That's foolish. From Apple you'd pay $450 to max out the RAM..! Whereas you can go with a reputable, tried and true third party for half that.
You can buy Apple Factory Original Samsung 1 GB DIMMs at OWC @ $159.99 ea.

These are the specs:

Samsung 1GB PC5300 DDR2 667MHz DIMM
True PC5300, Non Stacked 64x8 16 Device

Product Specifications

Size: 1024MB (1GB)
200-pin DIMM
64x8 device based 128x64 Module
8 Non-Stacked TRUE PC5300 Devices per side
Data Rate = 667MHz
CAS: 5.0
Low Noise 8-Layer PCB
Exceeds Apple/Intel Specifications
Fully complaint with JEDEC specifications
Lifetime Advance Replacement Warranty

OWC also offers their generic guaranteed DIMMS in a 2 GB kit
for $259.99

If you are looking at the Apple Store MacBook configuration page, you'll
see the 1GB upgrade to a total of 1GB for $90.00(edu)
So for $90.00 you are adding 512MB for a total of 1 GB installed.

The 2 GB upgrade is only adding 1.5 GB to get you up to a total
2 GB installed, but the price for doing so is $450.00

So even if you absolutely insist on having Apple Factory Original RAM
you pay $319.98 for 2 full 1 GB DIMMS at OWC.

That $130.00 savings can go a long way towards buying MS Office or something else you need.

One other great thing about OWC is that you get lifetime tech support for anything you buy from them. How about them apples?
I have never, not a single time, had a problem with Crucial RAM. Their lifetime warranty is excellent. between myself and my IT department at work I have spent 25k dollars with Crucial, never a single problem. Everytime I went with some other RAM, Id have higher failure rates.

Besides ... calling Crucial overpriced RAM is kinda ironic to say in a forum regarding Apple computers. You think their profit margin is anywhere south of 50-55%? I doubt it. I buy Crucial because it is reliable and I have never had a single problem with it, the very same reason I spend 2000.00 on an entry level laptop from Apple. Price is not the point.
Crucial ( Micron ) RAM is FINE if not excellent.

The problem many of us have with Crucial is not the quality of what they sell, but
the games they play with their pricing structure.

We have COUNTLESS posts where Crucial uses 2 different part numbers for pricing the EXACT SAME RAM. They literally stick it to Apple customers by changing the stock number.

They call this their premium to guarantee Apple compatibilty.

If you buy the exact same DIMMS using their generic specifications, the price differs.

Can you tell me the difference between these 3 stock #'s

Now lets go to NewEgg for the same specs.
Locatel said:
Well, here I go again... take your time and check this thread:
I simply can't support such business practice.

Wow ... I had no idea they did this sort of thing. I always noticed their prices were a tad higher than others, but then that is always the case with name brand things. I find the tactics they use to be appalling and I will cease to do business with them until such time that these tactics are stopped.

Too bad for them too, Ive spent 25k with them over the past few years via my Corp. and personal purchases ... guess they've lost my loyalties and the crap load of cash I spend with them yearly. Oh well, their loss.
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