Please - pay more attention to what you are doing!
iLiberty easily lets you add installer! (This is the windows version but I am sure the Mac version is similar - just have a look at it!)
Look at iLiberty - there are THREE tabs at the top.
Click on "advanced" tab at the top of iLiberty
Then there are THREE tabs at the bottom of iLiberty.
Click on "Local" - see if "Installer" is there - if it is select it.
If it isn't click on "Available on Repo" Which is the THIRD tab on the bottom.
Click on "Refresh" which is next to the "Go For It" button.
Then when it has refreshed find "installer" and click on the "download" button on the bottom right of iLiberty.
Then click the "Local" tab and select "Installer".
Then select "Go For It" and iLiberty will reboot your phone and put "Installer" on the phone for you.