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macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 27, 2008

I have just tried to update my iPhone software through iTunes from 1.1 (unlocked running T-Mobile) to 2.2..

After restoring etc my phone now seems to be stuck in recovery mode and iTunes tells me it cant restore as the SIM card isn't compatible.

Is there a way to get my phone back up and running on T-Mobile again? :(

Many Thanks
After the factory restore iTunes finds the phone and then tried to connect to the itunes store then there is a msg saying...

"The SIM card inserted in this iPhone does not appear to be supported."
Have you tried ejecting and reinserting the sim? If this does not help put the phone in what is called DFU mode. To do this use a second hand on a clock.

Turn phone off

Hold down the top power button and the home button for EXACTLY ten seconds. On that 10th seconds release the power button and keep holding down the home button for another 10 seconds. The screen will remain blank / black but the phone will be in DFU mode. iTunes should recognize the phone being in this mode and instruct you to restore.
I have done this and iTunes does indeed restore it. The problem is after it is restored and iTunes tries to activate it.. Does the SIM need to be the one that came with it? I remember that when I first got the phone I replaced the SIM before I even connected it to iTunes for the first time. The SIM inside the phone now is a T-Mobile SIM (UK)
Did you restore with a pwnaged 2.2 or just the apple stock one?

If its the latter then its locked again and you need to hack it using pwnage/quickpwn..
He said he installed through itunes, so you need to go ahead and re-jailbreak it, then install yellowsn0w
Since you're using the phone on a non supported carrier, you'll have to activate the phone. You will have to rebuild your firmware ipsw, and select Activate in Pwnage. You can also have QuickPwn activate your phone, if you choose to go that route.
Thanks for all your replies! I actually thought last night that my SIM had been locked.. I will try the Pwnage or QuickPwn tonight.

I hate to ask but are there any idiots guides to using Pwnage or QuickPwn ?

My iPhone is indeed 2g, I am unsure as to which software version is now on it after the update and restore (I assume the first one)?

Is then now possible to Activate and unlock and have the latest software update?

Many Thanks
Thanks for all your replies! I actually thought last night that my SIM had been locked.. I will try the Pwnage or QuickPwn tonight.

I hate to ask but are there any idiots guides to using Pwnage or QuickPwn ?

My iPhone is indeed 2g, I am unsure as to which software version is now on it after the update and restore (I assume the first one)?

Is then now possible to Activate and unlock and have the latest software update?

Many Thanks
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