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macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 4, 2009
Trying figure out a way to upgrade my baseband from 02.11.07 to 02.28.00 so I can use yellowsn0w. I am already jb on 2.2.1.

Would prefer not to do a complete restore but will do that if necessary, since I need to use yellowsn0w.

Some more information - I checked my bootloader version and it is 5.09.

Any help would be very much appreciated as I am traveling now and would like to use the vodaphone SIM. Thanks
Trying figure out a way to upgrade my baseband from 02.11.07 to 02.28.00 so I can use yellowsn0w. I am already jb on 2.2.1.

Would prefer not to do a complete restore but will do that if necessary, since I need to use yellowsn0w.


If you want the "Easiest route", restore your phone with a stock 2.2 firmware. Create a jailbroken 2.2.1 with Pwnage Tool and restore that. You'll have a jailbroken iPhone with 2.28 baseband. I say easiest since you may already be familiar with these steps rather than attempting to update the baseband directly. :)
This is what I would prefer to do but I was not sure this would work on bootloader 5.09. Could you please confirm that you did not have 5.08?

Upgrading the baseband will work fine with any bootloader, it's when you try to downgrade (something that was never intended) that you need a vulnerable bootloader (in this case that would be 5.08).
This is what I would prefer to do but I was not sure this would work on bootloader 5.09. Could you please confirm that you did not have 5.08?

Actually I'm one of the few who has 5.08...but don't worry, it worked also on my 2nd 5.09 iPhone ;) Good luck!
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