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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 15, 2008
Hello everyone

Right now i am learning objective-c because i have to develop one web application for iphone.

I cant understand that how can i print string in objective-c and meaning of "NSLog" and their syntax

Pls help me its urgent

Thanking you.


macrumors 68020
Jun 14, 2003
I am *just* learning Objective-C. Luckily, I took a C (and C++) class years ago and it's all coming back to me as I read on. And from what I've read, haven't programmed yet, it should be.

NSLog(@"something to output");

Also, I believe you need to include the Foundation framework (I think). That's where NSLog is hiding out.

If you're referencing variables the syntax is a little different. Check out I also downloaded a PDF called Become an XCoder. It was linked in one of the threads under Programming recently. Also, books are valuable too. Check out Amazon.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 15, 2008
thank your reply
i know that nslog is about for printing something but syntax of nslog i cant understand. means where can i use NSLog and so what is difference between NSLog and printf.....
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