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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Sep 3, 2009
Hey all, just wondering if you guys have seen this on the nets.


And also Camera being in

Do you think this was cause they

a. Took the camera out, and kept the code in.
b. Always intended to sell an "add on camera" (not with current Apple Philosophy but not unheard of as isight started as an add on).
c. The Camera in refers to the "Camera Connection Kit".

I can't wait till 3G iPad is released!!!!!!
I've just this moment mused about b) in the Happy Thread. Not that is hasn't been discussed before but it seems like most people have dismissed the idea.

It's difficult for me personally to imagine what an add on camera would look like, and that's why I do the job I do and the Apple design bods do the job they do. They can come up with much sleeker functional shiny things than I could ever imagine. So atm I'm thinking an add on would be a bit of a design black eye next to the iPad, but that doesn't mean such a thing would be. :)

I tend to wonder if an add on wouldn't offer solutions to the issues that people have mentioned with regards to a built in camera on the iPad - for example, it pointing up your nose when you have the device on your lap. A flat plane (if that's the right word) is immovable unless you move the whole object, but a swivelling movable thing attached to that object is much more positionable.

Still not convinced though - it could be any of the points you offered. But we'll only know for sure when we know. lol.
I've just this moment mused about b) in the Happy Thread. Not that is hasn't been discussed before but it seems like most people have dismissed the idea.

It's difficult for me personally to imagine what an add on camera would look like, and that's why I do the job I do and the Apple design bods do the job they do. They can come up with much sleeker functional shiny things than I could ever imagine. So atm I'm thinking an add on would be a bit of a design black eye next to the iPad, but that doesn't mean such a thing would be. :)

I tend to wonder if an add on wouldn't offer solutions to the issues that people have mentioned with regards to a built in camera on the iPad - for example, it pointing up your nose when you have the device on your lap. A flat plane (if that's the right word) is immovable unless you move the whole object, but a swivelling movable thing attached to that object is much more positionable.

Still not convinced though - it could be any of the points you offered. But we'll only know for sure when we know. lol.

Good call about the swivel. Didn't even think of that :).

Yeap, we will see :)
Kodak is suing Apple related to camera issues. I'll guess they pulled it until that case is settled.
Well, I just figured I'd post it in the iPad discussion. Sorry for the double thread :).
Hey all, just wondering if you guys have seen this on the nets.


And also Camera being in

Do you think this was cause they

a. Took the camera out, and kept the code in.
b. Always intended to sell an "add on camera" (not with current Apple Philosophy but not unheard of as isight started as an add on).
c. The Camera in refers to the "Camera Connection Kit".

I can't wait till 3G iPad is released!!!!!!

You realize that both of those stories are on this site and have huge comment threads already associated with them, right?? :confused:

EDIT: I guess we posted at about the same time, didn't mean to rub it in!
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