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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 21, 2016
Hi. I'm going to replace my 2009 24 inch iMac soon and am trying to decide whether to go for the 2020 iMac 27 inch or wait for the larger M1(X) 27/30 inch iMac. I know coming from such an old machine that either will be a great machine but I also love Battlefield 3 for casual gaming so I know the 2020 with 8GB 5700 graphics card would easily work. I'm coming from a 2009 24 inch Core 2 Duo iMac with Radeon HD 4850 512 MB graphics card so I know I'll notice a huge improvement if I go for the 2020 iMac. But obviously I'd wait for the new Apple Silicon iMac if I thought I could game on it without bugs/glitches and decent performance, I'm not looking for Apple silicon to do 4k 60fps etc in Windows games by the way, just decent in 1080p or similar.

Have you played Battlefield 3 multiplayer for a decent amount of time like an hour or so on your M1 and is it a good experience?

I've seen vids on Youtube but they are only brief and a bit inconclusive I think. I see that is saying that there are frame drops. I wonder how often the frame drops happen and if they really affect the gaming experience?

Thanks very much for any replies


macrumors regular
Sep 26, 2013
Would definitely be great to hear some more user experience and tests...but origin/BF definitely seem to cause trouble for the M1. Hopefully they decide to optimize it by end of 2021, especially with new BF6 on the horizon.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 21, 2016
Yes from what I read I think BF4/5/1 might use a later version of DirectX than BF3 that doesn't work with the M1. Maybe with more and more iMac M1 machines out there some will start to try to play BF3 on multiplayer and report their "real world" gaming experience.
I wish Apple with all their resources would just take the relatively small hit and develop Mac ports of some of the top tier games in-house. I presume the money spent would be returned in even more Mac sales, and the publishers like EA would get even more sales so everyone would be happy. I know I'm dreaming though :rolleyes::).
I'm looking forward to making my purchase next week after I learn what new hardware may or may not be announced.
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