So I started to unhook my Apple TV from my home theater closet so I can sell it. I haven't used it in months.
After everything is unhooked, I realized that I should restore it, update the firmware, etc...
Since it would take forever to hook everything back up in my home theater closet, I hooked it up in my bedroom. It used to be connected via component cables, now i hooked it up via HDMI.
Now, the Apple TV shows a blinking amber light, with nothing on the screen. I followed Apple's directions to reset and restore, but it seems impossible because I can't see anything on the screen. Has anybody else had this issue? Thanks.
After everything is unhooked, I realized that I should restore it, update the firmware, etc...
Since it would take forever to hook everything back up in my home theater closet, I hooked it up in my bedroom. It used to be connected via component cables, now i hooked it up via HDMI.
Now, the Apple TV shows a blinking amber light, with nothing on the screen. I followed Apple's directions to reset and restore, but it seems impossible because I can't see anything on the screen. Has anybody else had this issue? Thanks.