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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 31, 2009
Alright:( So once, I had to sync up my iPhone with a friends computer temporarily. Later that month, I bought some stuff on iTunes from my phone, and it asked for the password to his account. I did not have my computer because it was getting fixed, so I checked something on my friends computer when I went over to his house. This site told me that it was fine to buy even if your iPhone was synced to the wrong computer. This turned out to be wrong, but I had trusted it, and now my friend has bills for my purchases. I have my computer back now, but I cannot sync my phone to it now. How can I re-sync my phone to the computer, and can I change the bills from his account to mine? Please help, everything is going wrong right now.
Ding ding, that works!! Didn't even think of the simple way. :)
It is the simple way, that is true, but still, even when the syncing is successful, things still go to his account. I need to know if there is a way around this, even though I can solve the immediate problem.
Having solved the immediate problem for you, I'm going to quit while I'm ahead! :rolleyes:
It is the simple way, that is true, but still, even when the syncing is successful, things still go to his account. I need to know if there is a way around this, even though I can solve the immediate problem.

I'm confused. You've authorized your computer. Transferred all purchases to your computer. Paid your friend back for the purchases you made. What's the problem? Any further purchases should be on your account. Why would they be on his? Again, your best bet to solve any issues is to contact iTunes via email or phone.
On Your iphone goto Settings>Store> Sign out.

Log into your account after and go back to that screen and instead click view account to make sure everything is back to your account.

Hope this helps.
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