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Steve Jobless

macrumors 6502
Original poster
May 31, 2006
Disclaimer: Sorry if I come off as bothersome but I want to make sure I make the right choice before I buy. I know, I usually hate these topics but my main question is will merom MB's come out by the 16th of September? 64 bits is the only reason why I care. Do I need it now? not really, can I wait? yes but I dont want to I've been waiting since June (Birthday Present)
I kind of get the feeling like im comming off as annoying, anyways I REALLY need help, my dad and I were talking and he offered to purchase a MB for me today. But according to a thread I saw, rumor is Merom is coming soon to both the MB and MBP, so I told my dad I'd rather wait since Leopard is 64 bit as well as Vista (regardless of how much you bash Microsoft you can't deny you sometimes need it or its products). But now I'm getting impatient since I'm done with summer reading I'm intrested in watching movies and playing games before school starts, which starts officially Sept.4 but orientation starts Aug. 28
I'd rather get a MBP especially since I'll hopefully be starting a new job soon and can pay the difference later on. I'm not much into games or photo editing, but if I get a laptop I will be playing Madden 07, Grand Theft Auto San Andreas and The Godfather. Like I said I will be watching DVDs too. Since I bounce from place to place occasionally I was intrested in getting one of those PC Cards from Verizon (especially since it works in the Metro) and only the MBP has this slot. My main concern is being future proof, I plan on hopefully studying Pharmacy but don't plan on keeping this system for the next 6-7 years.
The reason why I'm asking is because I would like to order before Sept. 16 with the current iPod promotion, I know its foolish to expect to get the best of both worlds but I was hoping I could order and exchange. But the problem is I want a BTO system 1 Gig Ram and 100 GB HD, I guess 80 GB is enough although I want as much space as possible.
I'm also intrested in buying an XboX 360 (is it worth getting?) I'll be getting EZTV to record South Park episodes during the 2nd half of the 10th season can I hook up a 360 to it?

Thanks for all your help! This place is the best!
Woah, I couldn't read all of that, but I do not think that the macbooks will get merom by then, but the rumors from today are working against me. I say the MBP's are going to get merom in September around the same time all the Dell computers get them. I predict it to come out soon afterwards though.
Is a nano that important to you? As I said in another thread, it's just a 4GB flash drive that plays music.
Basically you answered your own question. You don't need it yet so waiting is the sensible option.
You don't need a new machine to play movies, as much as you want to convince yourself you do.
forgive my lack of understanding in this field, but what's so great about 64 bit technology compared to the 32(?) that i have in my mini? Does it just mean that anything with a merom, conroe, or woodcrest will have full support in leopard, whereas anything with yonah will only be partially supported/not support all features?

IMO, i would go for a macbook pro now. Especially if you are going to have apple customize it for you, because giving it a bigger HD and more RAM adds several days/weeks to the processing time. Just go for it, and you'll be glad you did, rather than spending the first couple weeks of college waiting for the merom MBP to be released, and another couple weeks for it to be shipped.
Also I will be using AIM and Safari ALOT, as well as microsoft office (ppc or windows is a question that remains) seeing that I use Powerpoint and Word extensivley. I've taken up creative writing as a hobby so I need the best word processor available, isnt iWork's word compatible with MS Word on windows?
You said you wanted to go into photo editing and playing games. That right there says you need a MacBook Pro. Better graphic card (as good as it comes from apple) you'll see better preformance on the x1600 than the gma in the macbook.

Just wait till September 16th. That ist he end of the Paris Expo and the iPod deal will still last untill that day. So you'll be ordering the Merom MBP (hopefully merom) + iPod. Who knows we could see it sooner.

If harddrive space is what you want, then look at other 3rd party suiters they have 160gig harddrive options for you. Just have to do a little looking. Otherworldcomputing is one example. Though I have seen the HD cheaper at other sites.
i only want to play games, not photo edit, video edit yes. since i plan on recording live tv i would like to edit out the commercials and what not.
even if they do, a merom macbook will not be that much faster than a yonah at the moment because the FSB is limited by the logic board. I say get whats out now, or wait til jan, then it will be worth a merom.
if leopard will fully work in 32 bit and madden isnt deemed too graphics intensive i think i'll settle for whats out now.
Steve Jobless said:
if leopard will fully work in 32 bit and madden isnt deemed too graphics intensive i think i'll settle for whats out now.

I'm in the same dilemma.
Trust me if you are thinking about playing games on a Macbook (no offense) I wouldn't go near one. I am having trouble playing Cs-Source the way I like it...all high, 1440x900, 2xAA, on a MBP w/2gig. I allmost ended up with a macbook but I canceled that at the last min for the Pro and I am not regretting it AT ALL 64-bit or not.
Oh btw....VERY importaint, if you are going to put anything in your MB, MBP...ect bigger harddrive from the cannnot return it no matter what, even if you diddn't open it. So I suggest you go and see the Macbooks for yourself before you go order a MBP w/100gig harddrive before WWDC and couldn't sleep the weekend to aug 8 like me lol.
findnemo said:
Oh btw....VERY importaint, if you are going to put anything in your MB, MBP...ect bigger harddrive from the cannnot return it no matter what, even if you diddn't open it. So I suggest you go and see the Macbooks for yourself before you go order a MBP w/100gig harddrive before WWDC and couldn't sleep the weekend to aug 8 like me lol.

Man life is tough. Have a feeling I won't be waiting in the end LOL
I went to an apple store and saw the macbook, it was fine but I didnt get to play with it for a long time since my lunch was waiting for me. I'd rather get a MBP 1GB and either stock HD or 100GB no apple care, intrested in dumping within a year or so.
Steve Jobless said:
I went to an apple store and saw the macbook, it was fine but I didnt get to play with it for a long time since my lunch was waiting for me. I'd rather get a MBP 1GB and either stock HD or 100GB no apple care, intrested in dumping within a year or so.

Why would you be dumping it?
Video editing takes up ALOT of space seeing as you want to record tv shows anyway. I'd say get it stock, buy cheaper ram elsewhere and get a large external drive. It would be a damn sight cheaper, and you could always return it.

Merom in the MBP is bound to be out in September... but for MB's... it'd be more like Macworld 07.
so now I'm in a jam, refurb MBP or new? Like I've said before my main concern is being future proof since I'd like to upgrade to both leopard and vista, also if I get a MBP I would most likely pay for the upgrades myself, which takes away from the money I'm trying to save for a ps3.
any good cheap external drives? (self made with enclosure or pre-made)
Steve Jobless said:
so now I'm in a jam, refurb MBP or new? Like I've said before my main concern is being future proof since I'd like to upgrade to both leopard and vista, also if I get a MBP I would most likely pay for the upgrades myself, which takes away from the money I'm trying to save for a ps3.
any good cheap external drives? (self made with enclosure or pre-made)

Self made would just mean you would have to deal hunt. So look for the cheapest HDs and find an enclosure you like. I have a Western Digital 250GB HD I'd like to sell for $60. If you want to, you can find an enclosure for it. :D
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