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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 25, 2007
Well, here is my story...

I was to the point where I was restoring my phone like 3 times a day. This has happened to my first iPhone I had gotten on launch day as well as the second iPhone I got from Apple after returning my first one. Needless to say, I am on my third iPhone 3G. This time the genius may have had a reason as to why my iPhone(s) keep getting messed up.

I told him my story about was happened happened with my phones so far, with all the restoring nonsense and my iPhone constantly rebooting. Well, the first question he asked me is if I ever jailbroke my phone. I told him, I never have jailbroken my iPhone 3G. He asked if I had ever jailbroken a first gen iPhone, and I told him yes of course I did. Well, come to find out that because I have jailbroken my previous iPhones, itunes is picking up fragmented/broken software from jailbreaks. I wonder if this is true...

He said before I sync my iPhone 3G to my computer I have to delete itunes and Quicktime and re-install.


Can some people reply with their experiences...

Have you jailbroken your previous iPhones and are you now having problems with your un-jailbroken iPhone 3G?

Have you never jailbroken your previous iPhones and are you still have problems with your iPhone 3G?

Have you never jailbroken your previous iPhones and is your current iPhone 3G working great?

Post some replies and maybe we can figure this nonsense out!
Needing to restore

Hey, I got an iPhone 3G the day after they launched as well. I have yet to return it, but I am going to try what the guy told you, as i have the exact same problem, 2 questions tho, did it work for you? and when you pressed the sleep/wake button, did it go to sleep and then come back on asking to shut down?

I have not tried it yet. I will let you all know more in a few days. Any other experiences? I would like to know others thoughts???
no relation to jailbreaking

I have a 1st gen. It's never been jailbroken.

The last few nights have started a series of recoveries. 3rd in a row, tonight. 7 or 8 total - I'm starting to lose track.

I doesn't really seem to be a particular app, as I initially thought. Now, it's looking as ANY app that crashes can cause a hung restart. My last one was Mocha VNC crashing. Instead of waiting for a freeze (which, seems to happen eventually after an app crashes...), I turned off the phone and attempted a restart. Hung. No amount of forced restarts, plugging/unplugging to iTunes, etc. would result in a boot. I used to fight with it for an hour or so, now, if I can't get it to boot in the first few attempts, I'm going to just recover.

Looking at the logs, I see almost as many Apple App crashes as 3rd party (lots of Springboard, etc.). Yesterday's panic seemed related to VNC, but again, I've been through this due to Scrabble and other app crashes. Hard to say, since I may or may not get the latest log saved during backup/recover cycles.

At least, I've learned my lesson on backups - once a successful iPhone backup has completed, I copy the ~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync folder to another drive - just in case it ends up with a "backup corrupt".

I'm sure there are going to be some problems with the apps, along with the 2.0 firmware - how much of what is sometimes challenging to developers. It's good to see updates happening, though. If there are preventable crashes, and those crashes were not being handled properly by the 2.0 OS, then perhaps as these app updates come through, the OS will get more stable. At least this might help a bit, until the .01 update arrives.
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