My wife and I have seperate accounts so that her side is in Japanese and my side is in English. However, we want to share the same iPhoto pics folder. Called Apple for help, and for some reason my folder (with all the pics) has a red "no access" mark on it from her side...even though I moved it to the shared folder and have no trouble accessing it from my account. After trying a bunch of things (like changing "owner" from my name to "system", etc...) it still wasn't working. So the Apple guy told me to export all my photos and then import them on her side. This isn't really what we want to do, since we'd have to do the same thing everytime we add new pics! Can someone help me with this? Basically, we want to access all the folders from both sides, so is there any way of turning off the security settings so that ALL the folders can be accessed from both accounts? I also tried setting up an alias of the folder and placing it in her account, but for some reason iPhoto would not let me use that as the new pathway (I moved her iPhoto folder to trick iPhoto into asking me to locate the library, which seemed to work fine on my side). We are both set up as admins for the computer, does that make a difference? Sorry if this situation has already come up, I tried to do a search but didn't really find much.