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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 9, 2006
Is this a problem with the web, or is it my system? Sometimes when I download a .sit file and extract it using Stuffit, the unpacked folder stuffit creates will display 0 files. When I view "Get Info", the folder does contain data, I just can't see anything. It happens with all web browsers.

This happens with some .sit downloads, but not others. Here is an example of one I have this problem with:

Any ideas? This is my first truly confusing software problem as a switcher yay :eek:
Are you extracting to the desktop? Try creating another folder and extract to there.
Jollins said:
Is this a problem with the web, or is it my system? Sometimes when I download a .sit file and extract it using Stuffit, the unpacked folder stuffit creates will display 0 files. When I view "Get Info", the folder does contain data, I just can't see anything. It happens with all web browsers.

This happens with some .sit downloads, but not others. Here is an example of one I have this problem with:

Any ideas? This is my first truly confusing software problem as a switcher yay :eek:

What version of stuffit are you using? This is a pretty common problem when something has been stuffed with Version 10 and unstuffed with version 9, etc. Try updating stuffit to the latest version, or use UnRarX or Split & Concat to open the file. Finally, if none of these work, try using OS X's built in BOM ARCHIVER tool (control click on file>open with>BOM ARCHIVER)
I actually often have the same problem too...really starting to piss me off. I've been trying to use .zip exclusively for the last while.

I've found that using my Classic Stuffit Expander usually works on troublesome .sit files, though I really don't like waiting for it to start up.

EDIT: Hopefully your solution will work for me...just turned it on then, but haven't had the chance to test anything yet. Thanks!
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