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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jul 17, 2007
Tokyo, Japan
Hey guys, not sure if any of you are experiencing this, but I'm updated to the 10.8 GM and my mds and mdworker are using up a heck of a lot of CPU. The fan also gets really loud at times randomly. I thought Spotlight may have been indexing from the upgrade, but this has been going on for almost 24 hours already. I encountered this problem with DP4 as well, so I went back to Lion. Not too happy the GM still hasn't fixed this problem.


Anyone seeing the same thing?

I disabled Spotlight by typing in "sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/" in the terminal, and that fixed the problem, but I feel that this is unacceptable as a GM product.
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I'm having the same issue here (MBP Mid 2010).

PurBall What do you mean by "getting hung up on a file" ?
I had the same issue numerous times on Snow Leopard.
Spotlight indexing never takes very long nor runs full speed. If there is something wrong it is usually quite obvious and I always simple force quit mdsworker. It respawns on its own and usually stays quiet for a while. Sometimes I have to kill it 2-3 times.
Never was necessary to totally unload spotlight.
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