Hello all , i bought an hd 6970 msi... i used andy package standard.. and also booting first from windows then reboot.. wont allow me to go in mac os.. now i have a big problem.. i have used an incomplete rom.. i think a fail 1... flashed with zeus 2.3 snow leopard option... i have lion"done with 23. since 2.8 wasn't working with any hybrid rom".. it finally flashed.. since in any other way.. he was allways saying.. that rom was identical.. or not compatibile with zeus "gpu" ... now i think i have bricked the gpu.. i have it but.. if i boot i just see black screen.. also if i try boot in windows... nothing...so i need help... how i can flash an bios again? i didn t made any backup.. and this gpu doesn t have 2 bios..still got 5870... in mac pro.. and 6970.. also if i check info.. i can t anymore see the card... and i can't see nothing also in rom creator.. it seems to be not recognized from system... someone can help me????
thank you.. really much
thank you.. really much