ok but if i download an HD movie, will it be full HD? and i do know HD DVD's are dead i was just wondering, cause you can buy them for dirt cheap now.
Just to add that at the moment there is no Blu-Ray or HD-DVD software available for OSX. You could play your movies under Windows, however, if you had an external Blu-Ray or HD-DVD drive. The XBOX360 HD-DVD drive apparently works.
actually i already tried plugging the Xbox HD DVD player up to my macbook, it would recognize the DVD but would not play it.
second, do any of you think that apple will come out with an external and/or internal blu-ray player? or software to let you use other external drives, or plug in your blu-ray dvd player. wait..... caould you use your imac as a monitor with a blu-ray player?
Is there any reason why you are limiting yourself to Apple-branded external players? There are any number of external Blu-Ray reader/writer drives over here in Japan that work perfectly with Macs. If they weren't still so pricy (both the players AND the writeable media) I'd consider getting one myself.
i didn't for it to sound like i only want apple brands, i just like them. c
I hear ya. By the way, I see that the article I linked you to for the XBOX HD-DVD player is for the PC. Someone said that the problem with getting the player to work in OS X is not hardware, but software. Apple DVD Player won't work but give OSXBMC a try. I'd be curious to see if that has any better results.