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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 8, 2009
I was about to purchase a movie and saw that it was available in HD on apple tv, but its not a hd movie to purchase on itunes. If I purchase the regular version on itunes, if i decide to watch it on apple tv, will i get the hd version?

so if i want the hd version i would have to buy it from apple tv? Do you know how the regular version looks on apple tv?
so if i want the hd version i would have to buy it from apple tv? Do you know how the regular version looks on apple tv?

When you buy the HD Version you get both the HD and SD Version. You may want to search this forum for more information. I purchased mine in iTunes and Synced it to my AppleTV. Not sure of all the options.
I've already spent like 140.00 dollars on the HD movies available on itunes.. I know, I'm a loser. But, hey! I like the quality. I bought several of them on appletv, which then syncs back to your itunes library, and yes you get the HD and SD versions (SD to put on your ipod/iphone). I think the picture quality is very good, and I have done comparisons with bluerays of the same movies. Basically, I think there is about a 10% decrease in sharpness and colors when using appletv, but that doesn't bother me, compared to the price and convenience of not having some stupid disc lying around taking up my apartments space. Plus you don't have to sit there for 15 minutes to ffw through commercials, advertisements and movie previews,then deal with some stupid menu system just to watch the movie.

Lastly, if you purchase the HD version off of your computer (itunes), then it will sync to your appletv (HD version will play depending on your setup).

I can't wait to see what HD movies they release next, I'm addicted and very happy with my experiences so far with the picture quality. The only thing missing? The subtitles.. but I think you can add your own in with muxo??

yeah, you know I'm wondering if apple will eventually allow the "upgrade to HD" for movies like they did for music. But only when the movies become available to iTS of course. That would be great. Say you bought Batman and the HD version comes out, it would be great to have an option of like $5 or so to upgrade it :-D
yeah, you know I'm wondering if apple will eventually allow the "upgrade to HD" for movies like they did for music. But only when the movies become available to iTS of course. That would be great. Say you bought Batman and the HD version comes out, it would be great to have an option of like $5 or so to upgrade it :-D

I wish they'd extend their "iTunes Plus" upgrade feature to both TV shows/movies in HD... I'd love to pay another buck to download the HD episodes of some of my shows that I purchased season passes for before they released the HD versions.
Awesome idea!!

yeah, you know I'm wondering if apple will eventually allow the "upgrade to HD" for movies like they did for music. But only when the movies become available to iTS of course. That would be great. Say you bought Batman and the HD version comes out, it would be great to have an option of like $5 or so to upgrade it :-D

That would be a very good idea and I hope they implement it soon/eventually. I have about 55 movies and there is no way I would completely rebuy them for the HD version, but would definitely upgrade them.
I can't wait to see what HD movies they release next, I'm addicted and very happy with my experiences so far with the picture quality. The only thing missing? The subtitles.. but I think you can add your own in with muxo??

I tried to add subtitles to an iTunes purchase using Subler (newer and better utility IMO), and it didn't like it very much. I've been able to add chapter tracks to iTunes purchases, but not subtitles. Maybe someone else has had better luck...
I wish they'd extend their "iTunes Plus" upgrade feature to both TV shows/movies in HD... I'd love to pay another buck to download the HD episodes of some of my shows that I purchased season passes for before they released the HD versions.

I'd happily give them more money to upgrade to HD versions
Itunes Store Upgrades an SD movie to HD

Long time lurker. FIrst time poster to MacRumors.

A few weeks back I purchased Casino Royale from the iTunes Store. At the time it was only available in SD. Last night the store emailed me with some great news, they were upgrading my copy to HD. Best was for FREE!! This was a most pleasant surprise and thoroughly unexpected. I was thinking about purchasing the HD version anyway.

i dloaded Twilight to see what all the fuss is about, but i haven't watched it yet.

I'm very interested to start it b/c I have a br rip of the quantum of solace and it's FANTASTIC quality! Unreal! and I've watched a few BR movies and I'm loving the quality - in both the video and audio (the latter of which I'm really interested in hearing). ppl seem to forget that BR has amazing audio output (if that's the right word).

Long time lurker. FIrst time poster to MacRumors.

A few weeks back I purchased Casino Royale from the iTunes Store. At the time it was only available in SD. Last night the store emailed me with some great news, they were upgrading my copy to HD. Best was for FREE!! This was a most pleasant surprise and thoroughly unexpected. I was thinking about purchasing the HD version anyway.


Did they explain why?
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