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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 19, 2006
So which would be better for a HDD, I'm going to get the White Macbook 2.0 ghz with superdrive and i'm going to upgrade but I don't know if 80 gb will be enough or if I should get a 100 gb. Any suggestions or ways to figure this out? Thanks.
trishw2006 said:
So which would be better for a HD, I'm going to get the White Macbook 2.0 ghz with superdrive and i'm going to upgrade but I don't know if 80 gb will be enough or if I should get a 100 gb. Any suggestions or ways to figure this out? Thanks.

You didn't specify what you wanna do with HD footage so i'm just going to assume you want to edit. You'll want to go with 100 gb because high quality HD footage can run over 100 mb per minute.
Let's put it like this. I have 4007 songs on my MacBook Pro, and I've filled up the hard drive within under 3 months.
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