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macrumors Nehalem
Original poster
Feb 19, 2005
I just plugged in my HDMI cable (the XtremeMac HDMI cable Apple sells) and I have this mechanical echo. Prior to that I was connected via component and I didn't have any sound issues. This may be obvious but how do I fix that?
I just plugged in my HDMI cable (the XtremeMac HDMI cable Apple sells) and I have this mechanical echo. Prior to that I was connected via component and I didn't have any sound issues. This may be obvious but how do I fix that?

How was your audio from the ATV connected when you were using component? Via analog (RCA cables) to your TV, or an analog or digital connection to an external receiver? HDMI carries both the video and the audio, so if you still have the former audio cables connected AND your tv speakers are enabled, I suspect that you have two different sources playing simultaneously and they're a little out of sync, causing the "echo" effect. Just disconnect your old audio cables and see if it goes away, or disable the TV's internal speakers to prevent the audio from being played via the TV.
How was your audio from the ATV connected when you were using component? Via analog (RCA cables) to your TV, or an analog or digital connection to an external receiver? HDMI carries both the video and the audio, so if you still have the former audio cables connected AND your tv speakers are enabled, I suspect that you have two different sources playing simultaneously and they're a little out of sync, causing the "echo" effect. Just disconnect your old audio cables and see if it goes away, or disable the TV's internal speakers to prevent the audio from being played via the TV.

Previously I had the ATV connected straight to my TV via RCA cables. I unplugged all cables (RGB AND RCA) before I plugged in the HDMI cable. The echo is still very much present.

The connection currently runs like this:
ATV -> HDTV via HDMI. There is no surround sound, receiver, or any such external audio source currently connected.
Could we get a bit more information about your setup? What TV are you using, and what content are you trying to play? Do you know if the content has 5.1 or is Dolby Pro Logic II (usually anything from Handbrake fits one of these two categories)?
Could we get a bit more information about your setup? What TV are you using, and what content are you trying to play? Do you know if the content has 5.1 or is Dolby Pro Logic II (usually anything from Handbrake fits one of these two categories)?

Sure...I've tried this same connection on both a Sceptre (off sony brand from costco) 42" LCD HDTV running at 720p (the ATV is set to that). The content was Dirt downloaded from FX network via Apple TV. In other words, I purchased straight from ATV so it's not even streaming.

I did the same with another episode of Dirt using a 32" Sharp Aquos TV connected the same way. Both TVs were once connected via component cable. I received the HDMI cable so I unplugged the component cable and the RCA audio and plugged in the HDMI (I was aware HDMI is both video and audio). I purchased both episodes 3 & 4 of Season 2 late Saturday afternoon and began to watch #3 Monday night. I had the echo. That was the first time I used the ATV and the first time I had the echo since plugging in the HDMI cable.

I did try a movie converted using the ATV preset in HB ripped with Mactheripper, I had the same issue.

So, content purchased via itunes on the ATV not streaming and content encoded via HB streaming has the same results.

Both TVs are about a year old if that matters.
Sounds like you may need to take it in. If you are near an Apple store, have a genius take a look.

FWIW, I have the exact same setup (well, not the same brand HDMI cable but I do have a Sharp Aquos) and there is no "mechanical echo" for me.
Yeah, that's very strange; you wouldn't have access to a 2nd HDMI cable would you? That would be the easier test prior to taking it into a genius bar, if that's even an option where you live. It's nice that you had a 2nd TV with HDMI input to eliminate the TV as the source, so hopefully it's just a bad cable and not the aTV itself.
I'm actually going today to buy a new HDMI cable to check that. Short of that it has to go to the Apple store where Apple Care said they'd plug it into their TV. If it doesn't happen on their TV I guess I'm SOL if I want to use the ATV through HDMI. The Sharp TV isn't mine and I have no intention of buying another 42" just yet. :) When I called Apple they said they had one other report of this and had no solution yet.
Just for s&g, did you try changing the resolution? Maybe check both 1080i and 720p just to see if there is a difference.
I'm not sure without looking when I get home but I think in the setup of the apple tv you have to set it for digital output. This is what the hdmi cable would require. Just a thought:)
Just for s&g, did you try changing the resolution? Maybe check both 1080i and 720p just to see if there is a difference.
I only switched from 720p to 720p 50 mhz or whatever that was. So I'll try that too.
I'm not sure without looking when I get home but I think in the setup of the apple tv you have to set it for digital output. This is what the hdmi cable would require. Just a thought:)
Hmm off the top of my head I don't recall where to set this. Under settings it shows audio and then gives a few options but "digital" doesn't spring to mind. I'll check that too.
So I bought a new cable, even sprung for the $70 one thinking somehow it may work. No go. I also tried changing the resolution and ensuring my output was dolby digital. Although it works via component cable I'm going to take it in as I don't understand what the deal is with the echo.
You have probably checked this but is there some changes to the audio on the tv? It may have to be set differently for digital.
You have probably checked this but is there some changes to the audio on the tv? It may have to be set differently for digital.

Yup tried all of the settings and while I did check that, stupidly it was the last thing I checked. ;)
So I bought a new cable, even sprung for the $70 one thinking somehow it may work. No go. I also tried changing the resolution and ensuring my output was dolby digital. Although it works via component cable I'm going to take it in as I don't understand what the deal is with the echo.
Did you check the flux capacitor?
I know this is a little late but i too have the sceptre 42'' and am having this same digital echo while the hdmi is plugged in. it works fine with composite but I want the full digital experience!!!
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