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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Unfortunately, the iPhone budget is eating into the MacPro budget, which is eating into the ACD budget, which is eating into the gas/food/life budget, which, sadly, has dried up the CS3 budget. :rolleyes: :eek: :(

That being said, I am eager to try out some HDR photography, and am wondering if there is any free or nearly free software, (and/or aperture plugin!) out there that can do it instead...



macrumors member
Apr 5, 2007
Unfortunately, the iPhone budget is eating into the MacPro budget, which is eating into the ACD budget, which is eating into the gas/food/life budget, which, sadly, has dried up the CS3 budget.

isn't that the truth?!!:eek:
i want to get Photomatix too, know, back to the whole budgets getting into other budgets thing.


macrumors 68040
Original poster
Okay, so if got my HDR workflow going... I am using photomatix to generate the HDR files (it does a great job of ghost reduction and alignment) and then use the open source qtpfsgui (nice name, eh? :rolleyes: ) for tone mapping. It's not at intuitive as Photomatix, but, then again, it's free and doesn't watermark the image with "DEMO" ;) :)


macrumors 6502
Apr 23, 2007
Southern California
Okay, so if got my HDR workflow going... I am using photomatix to generate the HDR files (it does a great job of ghost reduction and alignment) and then use the open source qtpfsgui (nice name, eh? :rolleyes: ) for tone mapping. It's not at intuitive as Photomatix, but, then again, it's free and doesn't watermark the image with "DEMO" ;) :)

Good idea. The tone-mapping in photomatix, however, is superb.


macrumors 68040
Original poster
Here is a quick sample. The headlights made for good contrast on the trial run... worked out okay, I think.


  • 1 - Version 2.jpg
    1 - Version 2.jpg
    121.4 KB · Views: 478


macrumors 68020
Mar 28, 2006
The Library.
Yeah, I agree. As we've already established, though, qtpfsgi isn't exactly the best tone mapper... I'll try to figure it out though. :)

Once you figure it out, it's somewhat more flexible than photomatix due to its multiple tone mapping operators. Then again, most people only find the Fattal effect pleasing.
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