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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 25, 2011
Good afternoon,

I just got myself another mac after a long hiatus, more precisely a M1 Mac Mini which I intend to run headlessly in the basement and use Parsec to remote connect to it.

It works.. sort of. I have a 'Headless Ghost' HDMI dongle connected to the Mac's HDMI port but the resolution by default goes to the dongle's max resolution (4K@60hz) and for some odd reason, I cannot select another resolution in System Preferences > Displays ... even though I know that HDMI dongle has other ones available (used it on a windows machine for a while). My real monitors up here are 2560x1440 and would like to select that resolution in Mac OS as well.. but.. where can I do that?

Another option I found after a few google searches is something like SwitchResX, but.. is that the only way to change resolutions for a HDMI connected display/dongle?

And/or... has anyone found a programmable (?) HDMI dongle or other solution to emulate a specific display/resolution and frequency? Googling for HDMI dongles or such things opens up a black hole of snake oil / questionable offerings for a wide, wide range of prices, so maybe someone has some firsthand experience here.



macrumors newbie
Mar 11, 2005
I have been running a headless M1 Mac Mini for 12 months now, connecting to it via Apple Screen Sharing from a 27" 2017 iMac. You can see a wider range of display resolutions by opening System Preferences/Displays, then Option-click on the Scaled radio button. I am not familiar with the display hardware you are using so YMMV.
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