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Original poster
Dec 15, 2016
Hello fellow MacRumors forum users

I've been having a rare but disturbing problem on my SE ever since upgrading to iOS 10.2 (can't really say cause I went straight to 10 after getting the device).
Basically at some random point in time, the headphone jack would stop working, and after unplugging and plugging my earphones back in, the audio would be heavily distorted, with even the quietest sounds sounding like white noise.
Reducing the volume doesn't help, I have no EQ, and the issue occurs system-wide (yes, even the keyboard clicks sound distorted). The only way to fix it is with a reboot (thus the post being here).
So far, the issue has occured 3 times: once on an early beta of 10.2, once on a later beta of 10.2, and now on 10.2.1's first public beta.

It's odd because the issue happens so randomly and far apart, so I really don't know what causes the issue. Anyone has this same problem, and if so, is there a workaround?

P.S. I've already made a bug report on the Feedback Assistant.

P.P.S. I've uploaded a recording of what I mean by distortion here:
The audio file consists of 3 parts: first I played some music, then adjusted the volume. The last few distorted clicks are me typing on the iOS keyboard.

P.P.P.S. When unplugged the audio plays perfectly fine on the iPhone speakers.
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