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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 3, 2004
Upper Mid West

I just plugged headphones into the headphone port on my iMac(dual core 2.4)

I went to system preferences, sound, then output and only the internal speakers show up.

I rebooted the machine and still, same thing.

Any help is very much appreciated.




I tried the same headphones on the eMac sitting next to it, and it worked just fine. Still confused about the iMac
Well if you make sure that you have the headphones plugged into the head phone port not the line in port (they look the same) then the sound should automatically be transferred to the headphones and the internal speakers muted. And there is no setting for headphones in the system preferences. :)
thank you for your response, they are indeed plugged into the headphones slot, identical to the headphones slot on the eMac where they do work.

also, on the eMac, with the headphones plugged in:

under system preferences, sound, output- headphones shows up as the built-in audio.

I am not sure what you thought I meant, but headphones do show up in system preferences in the manner I am trying to convey.


Yeah if you play something the sound should be coming out of the headphones.

Also make sure when you plug it in, that you feel the 'click'.
thank you for your response.

on the eMac, when plugged in, the sound did transfer immediately to headphones.

on the iMac, no matter how plugged in, no sound was transferred to headphones.


thank you for your response.

on the eMac, when plugged in, the sound did transfer immediately to headphones.

on the iMac, no matter how plugged in, no sound was transferred to headphones.



if the sound is still coming out of the built in speakers then the headphones are not plugged into the correct place. check again.
thank you for your response.

on the eMac, when plugged in, the sound did transfer immediately to headphones.

on the iMac, no matter how plugged in, no sound was transferred to headphones.



Maybe it might be defective? Has it ever worked before? If you can't figure it out, I would suggest taking it to the genius bar and maybe they will fix/replace it for you.
i am thinking and fearing it might be defective.

unfortunately, i cannot recall trying to use headphones on this Mac before today.

edit: nearest genius bar is 265 miles away :(
if the sound is still coming out of the built in speakers then the headphones are not plugged into the correct place. check again.

i know how to plug in headphones, please trust me.


also, i've tried 2 other sets of headphones, all three sets work on my eMac but not my iMac

edit #2: i didn't want to say this, but the last thing i did before trying the headphones was install microsoft's silverlight for the purpose of watching netflix.
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