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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jul 17, 2001
NJ Highlands, Earth
National Geographic Traveller is offering a "travel photography" seminar in New York City on Sunday, January 22nd. 10am-2pm.

The good news: its Free, and even includes lunch.

The bad news: I can't find the website via Google. I have it on a postcard at home, so I'll have to dig it up and post it.

(hopefully, I'll find it).


Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
Thanks. I did register; but wonder what troubles there will when we show up on the 22nd; these seminars are listed on the NG site as costing $195 each person!

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
Chip NoVaMac said:
Thanks. I did register; but wonder what troubles there will when we show up on the 22nd; these seminars are listed on the NG site as costing $195 each person!

I just had a look, and noticed that the seminars listed in the NG Travelers site are all-day ones and that none is in NYC, so this freebie is something different. Sounds like it would be a fun excuse to go to NYC for the day! :)


Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
On the Brink said:
I just had a look, and noticed that the seminars listed in the NG Travelers site are all-day ones and that none is in NYC, so this freebie is something different. Sounds like it would be a fun excuse to go to NYC for the day! :)


Thanks. Still trying to decide.


macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jul 17, 2001
NJ Highlands, Earth
Well, that was disappointing :(

Got back a couple of hours ago from the NG Traveller seminar.

Overall, I'd say that its a good thing it was free, since it was 80 miles/2 hours +$20 for parking & ferry (round trip) for me to get into NYC & uptown.

The photo pro speaker, Michael Melford, was fine for what I'd suspect that they asked of him. He gave a slide show of his images ("America the Beautiful", which he has used before for charities) and some personal commments here and there, but it was thin on tips, techniques, travel insight, etc ... the whole reason why I was attending. A lot of the attenders brought their camera gear.

Michael was apparently supposed to be available for Q&A, but what really made it a diappointing day was the poor management that prevented this from occuring.

A lot of good it did to pre-register: they never checked anyone. As a result, while I'm not sure how large the Walter Reade Theatre is (my guess is a 300 seat house), the problem was that they had more attenders than house seats, by what appeared to me to be at least 100.

Their apparent "oops" recovery plan was to sidebar Michael after he had already started and asked if he could give his presentation a second time (which he graciously agreed). As a result, the Q&A session was completely abolished for those of us who faithfully registered, showed up on time, etc, and weren't necessarily inclined to hang around for 75-90 minutes "just in case" after the 2nd show.

After the slide show, we exited to a too-small-for-this-crowd reception room next to the Theatre. The seminar's hosts - - Nikon, Tamron and B&H - - had tables, along with some finger food & juice/soda. Tamron's was by the door, which just created a bottleneck. Nikon's was unattended, oddly enough. B&H was doing good, and in addition to their standard catalog, was passing out a 24 page hardcopy flier that lists some otherwise unadvertised specials. You can get them on the web if instead of going to their standard website, you go to: (ie, note the "psjan06" directory at the end).

Since it was such a zoo, I ended up going downtown to B&H's store. It was also quite crowded, but much more managable. If you've never been there, its quite an impressive place (and do check hours before going; IIRC, they're always closed on Saturdays, etc). While I was there, I checked out their used gear upstairs, then also went over and fat-fingered the Canon L 400mm DO IS f/4 lens...for its focal length, its very light! Its 4.3 lbs, which "isn't that much more than" the L 70-200mm IS f/2.8, which weighs in at 3.5lbs. I want it Only catch is its price is a bit steep ($5200). I don't think I can eat that much Macaroni & Cheese to convince Margaret :)

Finally, one parting shot: you can find rude photographers anywhere. There was someone in the audience who was taking photos of *every* image as Michael would put it up on display. And of course, this boor was using his strobe! I was a bit surprised that Michael ignored him; another audience member (or three) nearby told him to stop, which he did. IMO, it would have been a good opportunity to have mentioned something about "Copyright Theft".


Clix Pix

macrumors Core
Thanks for the report, hh! I'm glad that I had decided not to go up to NYC -- still recovering from my trip to SF! Whenever I do make a trip to NYC I would want to make it at least an overnight stay, to make it worth the time it takes to get there from the DC area, and since I had to work yesterday it wouldn't have been possible this weekend. Doesn't sound as though you were able to get much from the program -- how disappointing! Definitely there needs to have been better management all the way around and tabs should have been kept on the number of people registering so that plans could have been set up accordingly rather than waiting until everyone was already there trying to get in and then realizing that there was an overflow crowd.



macrumors 6502
Aug 7, 2003
-hh said:
Finally, one parting shot: you can find rude photographers anywhere. There was someone in the audience who was taking photos of *every* image as Michael would put it up on display. And of course, this boor was using his strobe! I was a bit surprised that Michael ignored him; another audience member (or three) nearby told him to stop, which he did. IMO, it would have been a good opportunity to have mentioned something about "Copyright Theft".


As far as I know, there is no image copyright if photos are taken for technical discussion about the work itself. ie, to critique the work; so I would not infringe copyright if I post a picture I bootleged from say, a supertramp concert where it was forbidden to take pictures, if the post would be about the technical aspects of taking pictures at rock concerts (although I would never be able to sell it)

If the guy was taking pictures of a screen using a flash, it sounds to me he really did need a photography course, an I mean a really basic one for a flash only has a limited range and does not help.

Now I do animals and fish and they don't usually have copyright issues but they do tend to give me their....cheeky side. :rolleyes: The folks on Nikoncafe will be able to give u more details on copyrights if u care and it's quite an informative forum

Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
On the Brink said:
Thanks for the report, hh! I'm glad that I had decided not to go up to NYC -- still recovering from my trip to SF! Whenever I do make a trip to NYC I would want to make it at least an overnight stay, to make it worth the time it takes to get there from the DC area, and since I had to work yesterday it wouldn't have been possible this weekend. Doesn't sound as though you were able to get much from the program -- how disappointing! Definitely there needs to have been better management all the way around and tabs should have been kept on the number of people registering so that plans could have been set up accordingly rather than waiting until everyone was already there trying to get in and then realizing that there was an overflow crowd.


Same here. Had a great day with iGary and his other half.

The program sure does not sound anything like the one that NGS charges $195 for.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 7, 2005
-hh said:
Overall, I'd say that its a good thing it was free, since it was 80 miles/2 hours +$20 for parking & ferry (round trip) for me to get into NYC & uptown.

The photo pro speaker, Michael Melford, was fine for what I'd suspect that they asked of him. He gave a slide show of his images ("America the Beautiful", which he has used before for charities) and some personal commments here and there, but it was thin on tips, techniques, travel insight, etc ... the whole reason why I was attending. A lot of the attenders brought their camera gear.


Sounds like an Apple sponsered event I went to in Atlanta a fews years ago. The speaker had no idea that he was talking to a room "FULL" of pro photographers and was giving a basics in composition and lighting talk. Someone spoke up about 15 minutes into the talk and said that we were there to hear about the latest in digital imaging for the pro and to that point everything he had put up on the screen was shot on film and scanned. To this he ask are all of you professionals? Every hand went up. He stuttered and tried to muddle through the rest of his "film" images.

Kodak saved the night with a hands on of their latest (at the time) digital SLR ($14,000).
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