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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 21, 2008
Have tried several different earbuds, but still having this trouble. When I plug in my earbud, it does not work. The sound still comes out of the speaker. If I wiggle the cord enough, I can make it sound like it is TRYING to come through on the buds. Can the jack its self go bad? What do I do to fix this?

Try blasting some canned air (e.g. Dust-Off ... it comes in an aerosol and you can get that from any computer store) into the head phone jack. Just a single blast for less than a second. Don't overdo it.

There's a sensor in the jack that determines if the headphone has been inserted, and sometimes dirt can get in there and prevent it working right. If that fails, bring to an Apple store, because yes, it can fail.
Have you tried apple buds? I have two other pairs (HP and Sony) that do not work with my iPhone at all. No problems with the Apple ones though.
The same thing has just happened to me. One day the headphones worked - the next they don't.

I don't have any compressed air - but i tried to run the headphone jack in and out several times, gently blowing into the jack and gently tapping the phone upside down. I also tried a restore.

If I get back to an apple store what are the chances they will simply swap it out for a new one for me on the spot?
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