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macrumors Penryn
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I had a thread regarding dieting (I thought), but can't find it. I was a chunky kid, discovered exercise as a teen, became an avid runner, went 40 years without a weight issue due to regular exercise, but now in my 60s, I'm about 30 lbs overweight. I'm 5'10" @220 lbs. I can no longer run, but walk a couple of times a week, approx 2 miles. I recently cut out deserts from my diet as I have a sweet tooth, and try to substitute things like Greek yogurt or strawberries for desert, but there are no cakes, pies, or cookies in the house.

I also drink diet Pepsi, which I've heard may not be great for weight loss, but when I consider the million calories, I've avoided, I have to wonder what I'd look like if I had spent the last 35 years drinking sugared pop. ;) I snack on things like baby carrots and drink low cal (5 calories) Cranberry juice which I regard as a flavored water more or less. I cut out milk years ago and drink 60 calorie almond milk on my unsweetened cereal.

My bet is that there are more than a few MR forum members who have weight issues. If you are successfully managing your weight, please report! :)

My impression is that at its simplest form that weight gain involves two aspects calories consumed vs calories burned, which can be effected by metabolism.

What do you think about artificial sweeteners?
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I'm 5'6". Years ago I weighed 275 pounds, I weigh 140 pounds today.

The things I did to lose weight were:
* eat only when hungry
* never eat to the point of being full
* go to bed hungry
* I removed dairy and pork products from my diet
* I replaced all drinks with water

My meals are no larger than my fist. If that means eating 5 meals per day then I eat 5 meals per day. The first meal of the day has been plain oatmeal and dry toast, this has gone on for over a decade.

I recently had a physical examination and the results were:
Age: 51
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 140 pounds
Blood pressure: 112 over 78
Medications: none
Medical issues: none

Years ago, when I weighed 275, my doctor told me that I likely wouldn't see retirement if I didn't lose weight. I still see this doctor and she is amazed at the transformation. It takes the willpower of a warrior, but I like to think there is a little warrior in all of us :)
First, I thought you were in your 30s or so. I must be bad at online age guessing, because I thought Meister was a teenager :D

We eat healthy, which I'd say is a mix of portion, ingredients and mix of food types. Mostly fresh, very little "pre-fab", even if we do something less-than-healthy like fried fish, I use whole wheat flour, the fish is usually locally fresh caught (nothing farmed), all known ingredients. We try to consume plenty of "superfoods": sweet potatoes, salmon, broccoli. If a product has a bunch of unknown ingredients, we generally look for a substitute.

We do some organized workouts: cycle, cross-fit, yoga - I surf, run, bike, swim, scooter/skateboard (with the little person).

Artificial sweeteners I'd say rank in terms of worst to least-worst:

Saccharin (branded as Sweet-n-Low/pink),

Aspartame (Nutrasweet/blue, used in most diet drinks)

Sucralose (Splenda/yellow), the least worst of the artificials, a decent number of diet drinks available (Coke Splenda, all the Diet Rite bevs).

I've seen Stevia (Truvia/green) grouped with artificials, but it's a plant, and in products like Stevia in the Raw, it's just natural extract. It's my go to for adding sweetener ...

... or, just Sugar in the Raw. Sugar used to get a bad rap, but I really question products created in a lab vs. naturally occurring sugar.

We still cut loose some days, or if we're out to have a good time, we drink but try to limit consumption to the weekends or special occasions.
If a product has a bunch of unknown ingredients, we generally look for a substitute.

Agreed. I never looked at the list of ingredients until I began losing weight, now it has become a habit. It's good practice and it has opened my eyes.
im a 6 foot / 195 lb firefighter/medic. i just lost 13 pounds in 21 days.

i drank nothing but water, no other liquids. and i took out about 90% of any sugar intake. ran 3 miles every other day. did p90x3 cardio on days when in didnt run.

running or not. diet is number one. sugars turn into fat, sucks. anything but water is not good.
I'm 25 5'10 and 170lbs. I have not had a weight issue (yet) but I try to keep healthy. A few years ago I was very ill and at one point was 5'10 128 :eek:

I eat pretty healthy but I probably eat too many carbs. I like vegetables but I hate cooking them (especially if I'm cooking for myself) and I'm not a big salad fan. Recently I've been trying to increase my consumption.

I used to be very active (4 seasons of sports) but for the past 2.5 years it's fallen by the wayside until now. I started running again recently now that the weathers nice. I've only been going a couple miles. My first few years of college I swam about 4 miles a day, 5 days a week (I swam competitively most of my life) right now I am swimming a mile 2-3x a week.

I definitely have some room for improvement. I'm not the kind of persons who can go to a gym, I get too bored. I prefer physical activity through sport
Thanks for the replies! I'll tell you all when I was between 18-40 due to my running, 5 miles, 3x per week, I could eat whatever I wanted, and I was 165 lb, lean and mean. I never imagined I'd struggle with weight again. However in my 40s, my metabolism started to change, and things started wearing out! Stand by, your turn will come! :p

I'm eating smaller meals when we eat out. Instead of a complete meal with rice and bean, instead I order off the ala carte menu, say 2 tostadas. No need for the rice and beans. I eat whole grain cereals for breakfast and have stopped putting artificial sweetener on them.
Eat when hungry

I tend to eat snacks throughout the day, instead of eating 3 big meals a day. I thought snacking throughout the day will help me lose weight but that obviously didn't work. Eating 3 meals a day, eating until you are satisfied (not full), and eating healthily is definitely helping. Before, I used to be very skinny but that was only because I was only eating apples for breakfast, cereal for lunch and a small portion of healthy dinner. Obviously that was not a smart move though, because I lost wayy too much weight. Just remember that a diet should be long term. 80% greens and 20% protein. :) Treat yourself with dessert once a week. I have a major sweet tooth as well so I understand!!
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I'm 36, 6"1, 211 pounds. For the longest time, I never had to worry about my weight. At most, I'd only fluctuate between 170-180 pounds, sometimes dipping as low as 160 or so.

But then I started hanging out with people who eat a lot. I mean like they go to town. And I apparently have this problem where I can't watch other people eat without getting jealous, so I'd join in. That, mixed with the fact that I haven't been quite as active these last couple of years, means that I've started ballooning up.

Let me tell you, I don't get fat gracefully. It's all collecting underneath my chin and around my belly. My once devastating jawline? GONE! I'm starting to look like a d and a b placed side by side with two legs underneath.

] [

I need to do something about it. I started dieting a bit, but after that first week (which started a couple weeks ago), it's been touch a go.
I drink a lot of Oceanspray Diet Cranberry juice with sucrolose sweetener, vitamin C and 5 calories per 8 oz, including anti-oxidants from the propaganda at the maker's web site. Is that so bad? I treat it like drinking flavored water and drink maybe 2 cups a day.


I'm 36, 6"1, 211 pounds. For the longest time, I never had to worry about my weight. At most, I'd only fluctuate between 170-180 pounds, sometimes dipping as low as 160 or so.

But then I started hanging out with people who eat a lot. I mean like they go to town. And I apparently have this problem where I can't watch other people eat without getting jealous, so I'd join in. That, mixed with the fact that I haven't been quite as active these last couple of years, means that I've started ballooning up.

Let me tell you, I don't get fat gracefully. It's all collecting underneath my chin and around my belly. My once devastating jawline? GONE! I'm starting to look like a d and a b placed side by side with two legs underneath.

] [

I need to do something about it. I started dieting a bit, but after that first week (which started a couple weeks ago), it's been touch a go.

Diet to reduce calories, exercise to convince ur body to let go of the flab. ;)
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I had used numerous diets in the past to lose weight, then gained the weight back when I went off the diet. Then one day it hit me; the reason I was gaining the weight back after coming off a diet was because my original eating habits were the reason I was overweight in the first place. My body was simply doing what I told it to do, process the food I was eating. The diets didn't fail, I failed to understand how the body processes food. So, I realized that, if I wanted to change my weight for life, I had to find a diet that I was going to be happy with for life. Wanna keep the weight off? You'll have to continue with the process that caused the weight loss.. your weight will eventually level off.
I tend to eat snacks throughout the day, instead of eating 3 big meals a day. I thought snacking throughout the day will help me lose weight but that obviously didn't work. Eating 3 meals a day, eating until you are satisfied (not full), and eating healthily is definitely helping. Before, I used to be very skinny but that was only because I was only eating apples for breakfast, cereal for lunch and a small portion of healthy dinner. Obviously that was not a smart move though, because I lost wayy too much weight. Just remember that a diet should be long term. 80% greens and 20% protein. :) Treat yourself with dessert once a week. I have a major sweet tooth as well so I understand!!

Whenever I snack, I tend to lose weight. Probably because my meals become smaller and I'm less likely to eat garbage when I'm not hungry.
So, I realized that, if I wanted to change my weight for life, I had to find a diet that I was going to be happy with for life. Wanna keep the weight off? You'll have to continue with the process that caused the weight loss.. your weight will eventually level off.

This is so true. I always had the same problem as you, losing weight with diets and then gaining it back after stopping the diet.

Last year I decided to change my eating habits to something I could keep up forever. So far, after 1 year and 4 months, I've lost almost 30 pounds.

I'm 5' 11" and weight 193 lbs. A little overweight, not much. I think I still need to shed another 15-20 lbs.
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I had used numerous diets in the past to lose weight, then gained the weight back when I went off the diet. Then one day it hit me; the reason I was gaining the weight back after coming off a diet was because my original eating habits were the reason I was overweight in the first place. My body was simply doing what I told it to do, process the food I was eating. The diets didn't fail, I failed to understand how the body processes food. So, I realized that, if I wanted to change my weight for life, I had to find a diet that I was going to be happy with for life. Wanna keep the weight off? You'll have to continue with the process that caused the weight loss.. your weight will eventually level off.

Agree that it's a permanent lifestyle change.

Atkins diet was very effective for dropping weight. In the past, I lost 30 lb on it, but the problem is that it's not healthy eating, and the tricky part is re-introducing carbs back into your diet. You are supposed to add enough carbs to remain at a stable weight, but it can be hard to do that.
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I'm 6' 3" and my weight is in the 170 to 175 range (I've not weighed myself lately). I work out on average 5 to 7 days a week. I probably would weigh less if it weren't for my diet. I avoid artificial sweeteners, I don't drink soda, and try to avoid the bad snacks, like chips and what not. With that said I don't eat the best of meals (though I stay away from fried stuff).

After next week, I'll be altering my work out regiment, going to cardio classes less and running more. I'll be looking to do a half marathon late summer/early fall.
Depending on how muscular you are, 5'11" 173 is pretty small.

That is a part of my life I need to improve. I make next to no exercise. Been like that for maybe 4-5 years now. So I don't have much muscle.

I think I will notice as I keep losing weight. Right now at 193 lbs I still feel a little overweight. I'm sure if I made some exercise this would change... or maybe I just need to accept I'll never look like in the magazines...:p

And one thing I specially "hate"... is man boobs. I don't care that much about some belly, but these boobs I don't like.:D
That is a part of my life I need to improve. I make next to no exercise. Been like that for maybe 4-5 years now. So I don't have much muscle.

I think I will notice as I keep losing weight. Right now at 193 lbs I still feel a little overweight. I'm sure if I made some exercise this would change... or maybe I just need to accept I'll never look like in the magazines...:p

And one thing I specially "hate"... is man boobs. I don't care that much about some belly, but these boobs I don't like.:D

Good luck! Time to swap out the man boobs for pectoral muscles. When the shirts fall, it is a really good feeling.
5'6" here, just hit 150 pounds. I've been on a walking kick lately that does wonders. I walk about 5-8 miles a night depending on when I set off. I'm hoping to get back to summer weight shortly (135-140).

Seriously, if you're looking to lose weight in a manageable way that doesn't yo-yo start walking guys!
5'6" here, just hit 150 pounds. I've been on a walking kick lately that does wonders. I walk about 5-8 miles a night depending on when I set off. I'm hoping to get back to summer weight shortly (135-140).

Seriously, if you're looking to lose weight in a manageable way that doesn't yo-yo start walking guys!

Indeed! I love walking, it has been my sole mode of transportation for the past 15 years. I don't even own an automobile.
Indeed! I love walking, it has been my sole mode of transportation for the past 15 years. I don't even own an automobile.

I wish I could do that but I CT has a virtually non-existant mass transit system. The walk to work alone would kill me given there are no sidewalks on the only route there.

There's really nothing like walking through a bike path under the moonlight catching up on my news podcasts, so peaceful and relaxing.
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Carbs are evil. That simple. Consume only in whole vegetable/fruit variety (and even then be judicious). More quality protein and fat. Yes, fat. We all went awry when carbs (especially processed) were pushed and fats were vilified.

Track your carbs. Cap at 100grams a day max. Yes, you can cheat on special occasions.

And exercise.

You'll be studdly in 6-9 months.
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