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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 19, 2016

Heartfeed, my RSS app for those who like me enjoy a nice UI (in my opinion at least ) but still listing all news items in their feeds (so no attempts at trying to guess which articles you'd like the most using algorithms or social media), is now up to version 4.0, in which I've added background refresh, a quick pick-list, and a few other things. Free to try out with up to 3 feeds, a once-time fee for unlimited feeds. You can find it in the AppStore.



macrumors 68020
Apr 8, 2010
the Netherlands
Best RSS feed app around I think. I still use it daily. It was worth every penny and no I didn't get sponsored to respond here. See also the earlier topic where this and other RSS readers were discussed and in which the deveveloper also actively was involved and listening to user feedback and implementing it as good as possible.
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