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macrumors G4
Original poster
Jun 30, 2007
I sorted all my music (sans Classical and Jazz) by Star ratings so I could go through and Heart all the 4 and 5 Star rated songs. After all that tedious work I now find that over ½ the Hearts are now missing. What causes then to disappear? iTunes did crash once on me but I did notice a few had disappeared before the crash.

Also is there any way to mass Heart a selected group of songs?
Did you look back as you were going? What I find is that iTunes will update every few seconds. So if you heart something it will immediately show the heart in the program itself. A few seconds later it will try and send the change up to the cloud. If it fails for some reason, it will revert the heart(and any star ratings you might have done) back to how it was to reflect the songs current status. It's annoying and as i was going through and rating/hearting, I would do a few, then wait and make sure they went through before moving on to the next batch.
Did you look back as you were going? What I find is that iTunes will update every few seconds. So if you heart something it will immediately show the heart in the program itself. A few seconds later it will try and send the change up to the cloud. If it fails for some reason, it will revert the heart(and any star ratings you might have done) back to how it was to reflect the songs current status. It's annoying and as i was going through and rating/hearting, I would do a few, then wait and make sure they went through before moving on to the next batch.
It seems that when I would 'explore' (For You/New/Radio) or download and come back many would be deHearted. I have them all now (2347) and have let iTunes sit for a while. Also have closed/opened a few times. I'm still reluctant to do anything other than play a My Music Playlist. Wish I knew when and how Apple was reading or a way to 'force' uploading of the Hearts.
I’ve found that iTunes is also unreliable in displaying the hearts themselves for songs — it won’t display the heart until I mouseover the songs. Here’s a screenshot of a smart playlist I made to show all of my loved / hearted music. Only four songs — the ones that I moved the mouse cursor over — actually show the hearts.

Screen Shot 2015-07-05 at 10.41.28 am.png
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I’ve found that iTunes is also unreliable in displaying the hearts themselves for songs — it won’t display the heart until I mouseover the songs....
Yes, that seems to be a display bug that I also get. However the probably I was (hopefully was:mad:) having is they became unHearted (not just displayed) and I had to go back and Heart them again.
Looks like about 30% of my Hearted songs have lost their Hearts again. Stinks since I'm obsessive about having all my metadata tidy. However it is not worth the aggravation since it is only temporary. Hard to believe others don't notice this.
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Hearts disappearing and then my Stars started disappearing. I noticed that this would happen after a short delay and beachball spin. This is obviously iTunes connecting to iCloud and syncing. I have cut off iCloud/Apple Music on iTuns and now my Hearts and Stars are sticking.

How do I get iCloud to sync what is on my Mac and not what is in iCloud? I don't want to turn on again and have all my changes lost. Is there a way to reset iCloud so it starts over?
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Resurrecting this thread 'cause it just happened to me and because there doesn't seem to be much of a conclusive answer here. Opened up iTunes this morning, noticed my hearts were missing, not sure if it just happened though. Only iPod Nano has been synced lately. Turned off 'Show Apple Music.' Will see if they come back at some point. If my stars disappeared, well, that would be really annoying. Haven't had to load a previous .itl file yet, and don't want to if not necessary.

iTunes Version 12.2.0 (which raises the question, has this particular issue been addressed in 12.3.2? Do I just need to update?)
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