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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 27, 2005
Hello everyone, just waiting for my MacBook to arrive home on the 30th estimated, although I won't be able to use it until the 8th at the very least...

I'm just a bit worried about the heat issues with the MacBook and compound application as discussed in other threads. I will be taking the laptop on holiday to Cyprus hopefully where it is 35-43degrees centigrade in temperature. After reading a review about it crashing 30minutes after normal use in a relatively cool environment, I am just a tad worried about any issues.

I am on an iBook G4 which runs relatively cool I would imagine, and doesnt really trouble me at all with the heat. I do expect the Yonahs to be hotter, but not ridiculously hot and certainly not hot enough to give me kernal panics.

If the temperate IS very hot, can I take the notebook back to Apple and ask for Thermal compound to be properly repasted onto the CPU/GPU or will they not do this?
I was in at my local Apple store today shortly before they closed to check out the macbook. I noticed that the Macbook Pro felt quite a bit hotter than the Macbook. I don't know if this is just because of the metal vs. plastic casing or not.
nnick said:
I was in at my local Apple store today shortly before they closed to check out the macbook. I noticed that the Macbook Pro felt quite a bit hotter than the Macbook. I don't know if this is just because of the metal vs. plastic casing or not.

I also noticed this. But there may have been variance between their processing tasks...
The macbooks run cooler than the mbp's, and I'm guessing plastic has something to do with it. I know a lot of people (in "real life") who have had heat issues with the mbp, but the macbooks seem to be cooler.
I can tell you from first hand experience that during my time with a mb and a mbp the MACBOOK was much hotter than the MBP. They were both running the same programs as well.
And i can tell you from experiece from a friends MBP and my MB, that my MB runs cooler than the MBP. My MB runs about the same temp (this is regarding how it feels on my lap) as my TiPB, which is quite bareable as long as you are not maxing out the CPU.

I am not trying to discredit others that say otherwise, just posting my experiences.
The MacBook is fine temperature wise from the time I've spent with them. The MBP's are the hot ones. It probably has to do with the metal casing for the pro line. I suspect they'll attempt to do something about it some day.
Well, thanks for the feedback guys. My friend has MBPRO 2.0Ghz (Jan Rev A) and it doesnt seem to hot, but he doesnt 'kill' the thing - he just browses the net really and plays around. I used it for a bit it was warm but not hot.

I'm just worried that it might cause kernal panics thats all. Are Apple obliged to repaste the thermal compound if it runs too hot?
I have a MacBook and a 17" Powerbook. They both are hot to me but it's not like my leg is catching on fire. It does warm you up a little bit. I rarely have either laptop on my lap so it's not a big deal. If you are going to be working with the laptop on your lap for hours at a time and heat bothers you then you should be worried. Good luck.
tsmithgolf2000 said:
I have a MacBook and a 17" Powerbook. They both are hot to me but it's not like my leg is catching on fire. It does warm you up a little bit. I rarely have either laptop on my lap so it's not a big deal. If you are going to be working with the laptop on your lap for hours at a time and heat bothers you then you should be worried. Good luck.

Actually it can get pretty annoying even if you're just typing.
I was at the Apple store today and I played around with the Macbook. It felt warm, not hot at all. I was running all sorts of apps at the same time, and even some quicktime trailers for a good 20 minutes. It actually felt about the same as my iBook, maybe slightly hotter, but not much.

Needless to say, with 1gb installed at the store, it was really fast, and I was loving it!
I wanted to add that my MB did get fairly hot tonight while importing my music from my TiPB. Was it still comfortable to use on my lap? Yes, but the back side of the MB (especally towards the left side, near the charger) was the hottest part.

Within 5 mins of a 40 min file transfer via firewire, the computer was back to normal temperature. That said, i cant wait until there is a temp monitor for these intel laptops that works without adding a kernel extension so that we can monitor internal temp rather than subjective external temps.

btw, i am posting now, with the MB on my legs, wearing shorts. The MB is resting partially on my skin and it is not a problem. Safari, iTunes and Mail running.
faintember said:
I wanted to add that my MB did get fairly hot tonight while importing my music from my TiPB. Was it still comfortable to use on my lap? Yes, but the back side of the MB (especally towards the left side, near the charger) was the hottest part.

Within 5 mins of a 40 min file transfer via firewire, the computer was back to normal temperature. That said, i cant wait until there is a temp monitor for these intel laptops that works without adding a kernel extension so that we can monitor internal temp rather than subjective external temps.

btw, i am posting now, with the MB on my legs, wearing shorts. The MB is resting partially on my skin and it is not a problem. Safari, iTunes and Mail running.

The lovely thing about these babies is that on 'better energy savings' setting, the CPU drops to 1GHz single core, which is comparable, if not better than the iBook G4 on 'highest' setting, so you effectively get 4-5hours of 'on the go' 1.5Ghz G4 power. I'm just worried in a sense that, I wanna be able to use Garageband etc on 'highest' setting, so I would prefer if it didn't burn the table I was on lol. I wouldn't dare using at highest setting on my lap, probably only 'normal'. I'm more happier about the fact I chose the 1.83, than I was before, as I'm guessing it consumes less power = more battery life, and therefore gives out less heat. I wish they had a 1.66GHz model!
Legacy said:
better energy savings' setting
<shudders> I will take the Besides when i was doing my file transfer i was on AC power. Now i am on battery power, on my lap and its fine, and that is at a custom setting that is basically Highest Power or whatever they call it.

But the better battery life setting should reduce heat for those concerned.
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