I have a lot of tv shows & movies on my drobo that I have been watching on my 22" external monitor that is in the same room as my 40" hdtv.
Is there any way to stream or run some type of cord to any gadgets I have to get picture and sound to play on the tv.
I have a PS3 and xbox 360 if that helps?
Or is there another type of electronic I need to buy?
I believe appleTV only plays media that is on itunes and I would like to avoid converting the files. (Almost all are various forms of .avi; some anime is .mkv).
Is there any other info I didn't provide that would be helpful?
Is there any way to stream or run some type of cord to any gadgets I have to get picture and sound to play on the tv.
I have a PS3 and xbox 360 if that helps?
Or is there another type of electronic I need to buy?
I believe appleTV only plays media that is on itunes and I would like to avoid converting the files. (Almost all are various forms of .avi; some anime is .mkv).
Is there any other info I didn't provide that would be helpful?