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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 13, 2008
United Kingdom
Last night I updated my iPHone 3G to 4.01 - no problem.

Then I left my computer updating my iPad to 3.2.1 and went to bed. When I came back this morning the window saying 'Restoring ipad software' showed the progress bar just a fraction from the end (after 7+ hours). I left it for another hour but there was no change. After doing a google search i found that a few other people had the same problem. One recommended to delete the update ipsw file and restart the whole process, downloading a fresh update file etc. I did that and the process has stalled at the same place. My ipad also shows the progress bar near to the end but it just does not budge.

I rarely have problems with updates on any of my Apple devices.

Can anyone offer any advice please?
I read a thread on this earlier - the person had some App on their computer for wifi sync. Removing that fixed the problem.

Otherwise, i have no other help or suggestions other than to hope someone comes along and can help :(
I have used to jump out of the restore hang. At least now itunes shows 3.2.1 and the ipad is syncing. I'll post the result of all this in a little while.
If possible restore from another computer. Windows or Mac as it does not matter. The problem has become more prevalent from people who have JB'd their iPads and iPhones. They are not upgrading or restoring properly.

Just use another computer and this should work.
Same thing happened to would get stuck right at the end after trying the software update and required me to restore the iPad, which also got stuck trying to restore. After 5 times of unsuccessful restoring, Apple and I came across the following method that worked.

I am using an iMac and had to create a new user on the iMac and do the full restore from the new user account. Once that happened and was successful, I signed in as my normal user and restored my iPad from my last backup. Works fine now.

Hope this helps!
Same thing happened to would get stuck right at the end after trying the software update and required me to restore the iPad, which also got stuck trying to restore. After 5 times of unsuccessful restoring, Apple and I came across the following method that worked.

I am using an iMac and had to create a new user on the iMac and do the full restore from the new user account. Once that happened and was successful, I signed in as my normal user and restored my iPad from my last backup. Works fine now.

Hope this helps!
Many thanks for the replies.

@BabsonM3: The normal full restore still would not work after many times of trying.

@sapporobaby: The iPad has never been jailbroken, though my iPhone was (But restored without a hitch since updating to ios4 a few weeks ago).

Anyway, as I said, the method seemed to get rid of the hang. I'm just updating the ipad with various bits ands pieces since I opted for a full restore. I'll let you know the results after the (slow) update of files.
Updating the ipad sucks

I started mine at 10pm eastern last night , still wasnt done this morning with the backup.
It finally installed and started another backup lol.
I must've gotten lucky this round. Both my i4 and my iPad updated last night in less than 10 minutes each. No issues.

I was a little worried for a second about my iPad. Its the 64 model and I've had those really loooooooong backups going on for some time now (plus the thing is 98% full), so when it started the "backing up your iPad" part, and the progress bar wasn't moving, I thought it was going to be another 5-6 hour process. But then it took off and finished in 10 mins.

All good here now.
Everything is OK now. (Except that I have to enter all of those passwords and data!) Thank goodness for RecBoot!

Ok, so this has got me concerned, my pad takes many hours to backup, didn't both me much before as there wasn't too much to lose so I just skipped backup when I synced. I hoped that the update may help, but now I fear it'll never bloody restore....... that's not so much fun.
Just for interest maybe ... I never had a problem with wifi and its still fine, but I DID have a problem with slow and stalling youtube videos and ... THAT'S STILL HAPPENING - Excuse my French, but SHID!!
I'm in the middle of this exact same problem.

99% completed with the update and it's been hanging for hours now.

Unplugged the iPad from my Macbook and I've got the "plug into iTunes icon" on my iPad.

Plugged it back in, the icon is still there and iTunes is still at 99% completing the update.

I do have WiFi Sync on my Macbook, FWIW...

Try the recovery mode procedure

My update was flawless and everything works ok. But I think you should try to force the Restore process. However I don't know if it could be done on any computer as iTunes check the state of your device with your account. Anyway this procedure works for iPhones/iPod Touch but I think is the same on the iPad: Connect the iPad to the computer. Disconnect the USB end from the iPad leaving the other end connected to the computer. Turn off the iPad holding Home + power button, when off release them. While pressing and holding the Home button, reconnect the USB cable to the iPad. Still holding the Home button until you see the message "Connect to iTunes" and then release the home button. If iTunes is not already running, open iTunes and you may see a message "recovery mode". Now use iTune to Restore: You can find some information on restoring on:
I'm in the middle of this exact same problem.

99% completed with the update and it's been hanging for hours now.

Unplugged the iPad from my Macbook and I've got the "plug into iTunes icon" on my iPad.

Plugged it back in, the icon is still there and iTunes is still at 99% completing the update.

I do have WiFi Sync on my Macbook, FWIW...


Use Recboot. Worked for me.
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