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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 13, 2002
New York
John's system has been seeming sloooower and sloooower lately. Admittedly I need some more damn RAM.

81738(0) pageins, 366350(0) pageouts

Actually.. what the hell is with that!? Isn't 512MB enough RAM anymore?! Bah.. ah well, another 512 should be here tomorrow.

ANYWAY, iTunes took 8 bounces to launch on the first launch, and takes 5!! on every launch after that. I tried updating prebindings... nothing.

It used to take 3 with 10.2.3... and now its getting worse and worse. Any idea what it is?

Do I just need more RAM? I don't see how I ran anything that would take up that much RAM though! Hm...

Also, when I type 'top' in the terminal, I get a table of currentyly running apps, etc. What's VSIZE? It says the true blue environment is taking up 1.03GB?! What's it refering to?

It says the terminal's VSIZE is 80MB. Where is all my RAM going? :-( Is OS X really that big of a bitch when it comes to RAM? If so, I'm going the hell back to 9.

I'm sure I'm wrong about what VSIZE is though, cause that makes no sense. If someone could clear that up it would be nice.
Also.. if I quit an app and relaunch it, the amount of ram that 'top' says is free goes down from what it was before I quit it and relaunched it. If I keep quitting and relaunching the same app, eventually the free size goes down to zero.

What's going on? Why does it say Safari is using 113MB of RAM? Bah.

Processes: 45 total, 2 running, 43 sleeping... 245 threads 11:54:00
Load Avg: 0.67, 0.43, 0.35 CPU usage: 47.6% user, 16.0% sys, 36.3% idl
SharedLibs: num = 7, resident = 1.79M code, 172K data, 532K LinkEdit
MemRegions: num = 4271, resident = 46.3M + 5.08M private, 63.4M shared
PhysMem: 65.6M wired, 188M active, 134M inactive, 388M used, 124M free
VM: 2.06G + 3.62M 82349(0) pageins, 366350(0) pageouts

901 Finder 0.0% 0:06.41 1 71 106 2.59M 10.9M 9.42M 81.1M
896 top 4.6% 0:29.39 1 14 17 216K 332K 476K 13.6M
895 tcsh 0.0% 0:00.04 1 10 15 344K 584K 784K 5.73M
894 login 0.0% 0:00.43 1 12 33 244K 384K 564K 13.7M
893 Terminal 84.5% 0:13.70 3 58 125 1.95M 5.95M 6.50M 71.3M
874 Safari 0.0% 1:46.79 4 138 324 15.8M 14.8M 25.1M 113M
859 Adium 0.0% 0:09.22 4 149 136 1.39M 10.6M 2.78M 77.6M
858 Mail 4.6% 1:14.77 4 122 168 4.81M 9.58M 9.04M 78.6M
855 osxaudio.k 7.5% 9:34.69 121 425 455 6.16M- 4.57M 7.54M- 145M-
640 Carracho 1 0.9% 16:41.64 6 151 211 3.96M 13.0M 3.36M 131M
442 CarraFix v 3.7% 80:43.35 6 97 244 1.14M- 3.60M 1.38M- 80.4M-
425 AppleSpell 0.0% 0:05.29 1 28 23 0K 1.14M 36K 15.0M
411 SecurityAg 0.0% 0:00.51 1 53 87 0K 5.13M 84K 67.7M
403 iChatAgent 0.0% 0:00.23 2 49 22 0K 1.95M 36K 15.5M
399 Cyrene 1.8% 17:29.07 12 95 118 1.83M 4.47M 2.70M 75.1M
Since my first post, just sitting here on macrumors.. my free RAM has gone from 145MB to 109MB.. and it just keeps falling. What's the deal? :-(
Still sitting here in Safari.. nothing changed... RAM down to 80MB free and falling.

Oh the humanity... 78MB now.

I don't understand. What is eating RAM so? Why 81MB for Mail?

74MB free now.. ugh.

Maybe some software I am using is a total piece of junk? Anything on that list above maybe the offender?

66MB free and falling...
Originally posted by MacBandit
You don't use any Norton products do you? What about appearance mods or system hacks?

Never installed any Norton stuff. I am not that insane. :)

I do not currently have any system hacks or mods running. I don't trust them. I did run Konfabulator for like 10 minutes... and LaunchBar...

But I'm not currently using any of these now.

58MB free..
Ahh yes.. I quit Mail, and now I'm down to 42 free.

Either I have a huge misunderstanding of how RAM is allocated by X, or my system is a demon!

I suspect a little of both perhaps...
When was the last time you did a fresh install of the system?

Also I don't think this will help but is part of a group of things that should be done for system health. Have you repaired disk permissions recently? Have you ran the daily/weekly/monthly cleanup tasks?
My dual/Ghz/DDR PowerMac loads iTunes with 14.45GB of music in one bounce. I had system slow down problems that seemed to stem from Norton though it could have been something else. I got my machine in August and with every new system update my machine seemed to run a bit slower and a bit slower. I recently backed-up reformated and did a fresh install. Now my machine runs like it did the day I got it.
Originally posted by MacBandit
When was the last time you did a fresh install of the system?

Also I don't think this will help but is part of a group of things that should be done for system health. Have you repaired disk permissions recently? Have you ran the daily/weekly/monthly cleanup tasks?

I did a fresh install at 10.2. I repaired permissions yesterday, and I do about every two-three weeks.

I do not know what you are refering to by cleanup tasks?
Originally posted by MacBandit
My dual/Ghz/DDR PowerMac loads iTunes with 14.45GB of music in one bounce. I had system slow down problems that seemed to stem from Norton though it could have been something else. I got my machine in August and with every new system update my machine seemed to run a bit slower and a bit slower. I recently backed-up reformated and did a fresh install. Now my machine runs like it did the day I got it.

Hm.. perhaps I should do that.

Man, I hoped that with X, I would never have to do this kind of stuff again. Bah.

Applications are all taking WAY too much time to launch, and the system feels sluggish. Too many beachballs...

Maybe I did install something to mess up my system. Bah. I think I got a bit too trusting in its stability, and had too much fun with it. With 9, I was like a dictator. No shareware, no fun, period. And it worked great... except for OMS, which is junk. I have to trash my OMS preferences everytime I boot to 9 or I get a type 10 error when launching a midi app. Other than that, 9 is fantastic.

9MB free.. what the hell! I even quit Carrafix.
Originally posted by springscansing
I did a fresh install at 10.2. I repaired permissions yesterday, and I do about every two-three weeks.

I do not know what you are refering to by cleanup tasks?

The cleanup taks are also known as the nightly tasks. You have to leave your computer on over night at least once a week to have them done automatically.

If you want to run them manually get MacJanitor.
Originally posted by MacBandit
The cleanup taks are also known as the nightly tasks. You have to leave your computer on over night at least once a week to have them done automatically.

If you want to run them manually get MacJanitor.

Ahh.. my computer is on overnight practically every night. So that should be fine...

I just restarted, opened the same apps, and now I have 273MB free and iTunes launches in one bounce on the FIRST launch. Think some crazy app I am running is causing my system much pain and suffering?

I should just go overhaul the system and delete all the crap I don't need. Yes yes.. that's a good idea.

I guess I'll just let it run with the carracho servers going, and come back in a few hours to see if its being all slow and stupid again. That should narrow it down a bit.

Thanks for the help.
Do you have an HP printer? Have you upgraded to the very latest print drivers. There was a memory leak in the HP printcenter and it could cause problems if you were a person who left your computer on all the time. It definitely sounds like a memory leak in some program.

You are serious aren't you. Talking about selling already.:) Do yourself a favor and do a fresh install before you get to serious about selling. Trust me it will put your computer back to the way it should be. Also be sure to be up to date on everything.
Originally posted by springscansing
Ahh.. my computer is on overnight practically every night. So that should be fine...

But is it asleep? I think the system maintenance tasks don't run unless your computer is on at night and is not in Sleep mode, unless you have MacJanitor or Macaroni (I use Macaroni), in which case the tasks get done at some other time, I think, like while your computer is awake. Even if you got your problem fixed, you should probably check out one of these programs, unless your computer isn't asleep at night.

Originally posted by MacBandit
Do you have an HP printer? Have you upgraded to the very latest print drivers. There was a memory leak in the HP printcenter and it could cause problems if you were a person who left your computer on all the time. It definitely sounds like a memory leak in some program.

Are you referring to the recently released v2.1 drivers? If so, that may explain why I have been getting spinning beachballs somewhat often for the first time since moving to Jaguar.
memory leak

i agree that it sounds like a memory leak.

i've noticed that, in top, i regularly have only a fraction of my 1 gig of RAM "free." the largest chunk (currently 566 Meg) is "inactive." i've got 138 Meg "free" right now. (in fact, i've almost always got > 512 "inactive" -- does that mean OSX runs fine on 512 Meg RAM? probably)

as far as how OSX handles memory allocation, i would guess that's left to the BSD system.

my guess is that your system is allocating correctly but there's that one or two programs w/ the memory leak. process of elimination is probably the best way to find it.

It says the true blue environment is taking up 1.03GB?! What's it refering to?

that's the classic environment, right? it's taking up an awful lot of space. yikes.

i'm guessing the VSIZE is the size of the virtual memory. if an app needs more stack or heap than the system allocates to it, it'll page out the not-so-recently accessed memory to the file system. when the app needs that paged data, it'll page it back in.

i believe top shows an accumlation of page ins/outs. so the longer your system is running, the more there'll be.
do you have classic running all the time? if so, that's your problem. it shouldn't be using that much RAM, especially when inactive... if you always have it on, try shutting it down and looking at your memory stats afterwards. could be a memory leak associated with a classic extension or app...

os x seems to slow down considerably after been running for long periods of time. apps like to not let go of system resources like ram and cpu usage even after they have been quit.

i was doing my computer science homework last night and coding in scheme and i accidently made a never-ending recurring process and ran it in stk in the terminal...after realizing my mistake, i terminated the process in the terminal, only to find that i had 100% cpu usage about an hour later. typing 'top' in the terminal showed me that the stk process was still running! i couldn't type 'kill (process #)' in the terminal to actually stop the process. the only thing that would do it was to restart.
Originally posted by mnkeybsness
i couldn't type 'kill (process #)' in the terminal to actually stop the process.

you mean it didn't work or you were unable to even try?
Originally posted by FredAkbar
But is it asleep? I think the system maintenance tasks don't run unless your computer is on at night and is not in Sleep mode, unless you have MacJanitor or Macaroni (I use Macaroni), in which case the tasks get done at some other time, I think, like while your computer is awake. Even if you got your problem fixed, you should probably check out one of these programs, unless your computer isn't asleep at night.


Yes, it is on and NOT asleep.
Originally posted by paulwhannel
do you have classic running all the time? if so, that's your problem. it shouldn't be using that much RAM, especially when inactive... if you always have it on, try shutting it down and looking at your memory stats afterwards. could be a memory leak associated with a classic extension or app...


No, I usually don't.
Originally posted by MacBandit
Do you have an HP printer? Have you upgraded to the very latest print drivers. There was a memory leak in the HP printcenter and it could cause problems if you were a person who left your computer on all the time. It definitely sounds like a memory leak in some program.

You are serious aren't you. Talking about selling already.:) Do yourself a favor and do a fresh install before you get to serious about selling. Trust me it will put your computer back to the way it should be. Also be sure to be up to date on everything.

Yes... I do have an HP printer running older software/drivers.

Well, my has been on all day, and again is down to 6MB of free ram, even though it had 250 when I last left it. Very frustrating.

I did add two new screen savers lately, Electric Sheep and Fracture. I think I will go ahead though and just wipe the system and reinstall. Bah.

Thanks for the advice everyone, but I'm just going to do a fresh install, and never install any crap on my computer.

Also... I have a new post coming up in about 5 minutes of something ELSE wrong with my mac.
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