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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 2, 2020

Around two months ago after following a few tutorials and a couple of forum posts on here, I installed a Sabrent 1TB Rocket (Link) to my mbp 2017 13". It was working fantastic and never seemed to have any issues. About two days ago I noticed an awful screeching coming from the mac, It didn't bother me as ssd can sometimes make this noise whilst under a heavy workload. Today the screeching got significantly louder until the screen turned black and the mac was no longer responsive.

When turning the mac back on I received the question mark folder. I then booted the mac into recovery mode to try to reset the startup disk.

(Originally, when setting the nvme up I had to reboot the mac as it would not recognise it, after a reboot the drive appeared and I was able to format it and then install my backup of time machine.)

However, this time the mac would not recognise the nvme at all! Again, I have no idea what to do at this point so I rebooted again, this time, recovery mode got to the point of loading with the apple logo and then the screen suddenly goes black. This really doesn't seem very good as I'm assuming this means the problem may span further than just the nvme.

How can I see what's actually going on with my mac? Could it be that the ssd has died (I'm not sure how to test this as my pc mobo does not have any m.2 slots)?

I took a backup around 10 days ago if that can somehow help. My previous ssd size was 128gb I'm not sure what will happen if I just throw the old one back in there for the time being until I can get a replacement nvme.

I'm kinda lost at this point, so any advice would really be appreciated!

Thanks, Guys :)

Edit: Booting in internet recovery mode results in the globe spinning for a while and then the apple logo with a loading bar, the loading bar will reach halfway, and then the screen will go black. This will then result in the question mark folder appearing. I am unable to access recovery mode it would seem :(

Edit 2: The previous ssd that I originally took out does work when replacing the new one. I suspect that the nvme one has broken, so I will be requesting a new one as it is under warranty, fingers crossed this solves the issue.
Last edited:


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
Put the ORIGINAL drive back in and see if it works.

If it does, I'd leave it in.

A drive that works beats one that doesn't.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 2, 2020
Put the ORIGINAL drive back in and see if it works.

If it does, I'd leave it in.

A drive that works beats one that doesn't.
My previous drive is only 128gb, unfortunately, I desperately need the space as I require a boot camp of windows, and this upgrade for around £100 is a perfect solution for me as I cannot afford to just buy a new computer.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 2, 2020
I've not heard any screeching from any SSD in my MacBooks, PC laptops, or PC desktops.
The screeching came from the nvme I had installed. I had a google around an it seems is common for that sound to happen under high load on a nvme.
Here is an example:
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macrumors newbie
Feb 13, 2021

Around two months ago after following a few tutorials and a couple of forum posts on here, I installed a Sabrent 1TB Rocket (Link) to my mbp 2017 13". It was working fantastic and never seemed to have any issues. About two days ago I noticed an awful screeching coming from the mac, It didn't bother me as ssd can sometimes make this noise whilst under a heavy workload. Today the screeching got significantly louder until the screen turned black and the mac was no longer responsive.

When turning the mac back on I received the question mark folder. I then booted the mac into recovery mode to try to reset the startup disk.

(Originally, when setting the nvme up I had to reboot the mac as it would not recognise it, after a reboot the drive appeared and I was able to format it and then install my backup of time machine.)

However, this time the mac would not recognise the nvme at all! Again, I have no idea what to do at this point so I rebooted again, this time, recovery mode got to the point of loading with the apple logo and then the screen suddenly goes black. This really doesn't seem very good as I'm assuming this means the problem may span further than just the nvme.

How can I see what's actually going on with my mac? Could it be that the ssd has died (I'm not sure how to test this as my pc mobo does not have any m.2 slots)?

I took a backup around 10 days ago if that can somehow help. My previous ssd size was 128gb I'm not sure what will happen if I just throw the old one back in there for the time being until I can get a replacement nvme.

I'm kinda lost at this point, so any advice would really be appreciated!

Thanks, Guys :)

Edit: Booting in internet recovery mode results in the globe spinning for a while and then the apple logo with a loading bar, the loading bar will reach halfway, and then the screen will go black. This will then result in the question mark folder appearing. I am unable to access recovery mode it would seem :(

Edit 2: The previous ssd that I originally took out does work when replacing the new one. I suspect that the nvme one has broken, so I will be requesting a new one as it is under warranty, fingers crossed this solves the issue.
Boot up without power cable connected.
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