I'm trying to add an AVAudioPlayer class object, which is defined in the AVfoundation framework. When I try to add an existing framework to the Xcode project, AVfoundation isn't one of the choices.
If I use Finder to look for the file, I have 6 of them, in directories like
There's a similar entry for 2.2.sdk, and 3.0.sdk, for both iPhoneSimulator, as well as iPhoneOS.
I'm leery about adding one of these manually, since I don't want to have to manually replace it everytime I switch sdk's.
If I use Finder to look for the file, I have 6 of them, in directories like
There's a similar entry for 2.2.sdk, and 3.0.sdk, for both iPhoneSimulator, as well as iPhoneOS.
I'm leery about adding one of these manually, since I don't want to have to manually replace it everytime I switch sdk's.