Thanks for the advice but my problem is, I've tried just working in the console, i get extremely bored in it. Ive attempted to do it many times. And i think ill be able to figure it out by working in the story board area, kinda like i did when i learned html i worked in dream weaver and stayed in the design side and when i wanted to add something i watched a video. For instance i learned by watching a video on how to add webview to my app i learned what the difference is between the view controllers, the .m and .h files, i learn a lot more from watching videos even when they don't talk about it and don't mention it i kinda just figure it out and test it myself. Ive got a pretty good foundation of the app, and yes i do what to be a programmer, I'm making this app for my grandma's fabric company, i made her site in dream weaver and i always am using her company for inspiration thats how i got interested into HTML, so I'm building her company an app. Sorry if i sound like I'm being stuck up about this, I'm not I just don't really know how to say this. If you have any ideas for how i can "start at the beginning" please let me know, like links and stuff. Oh and i think i should mention I'm 13, lol.
Good for you trying to teach yourself. I started programming when I was 12, so I relate. Back then it was the Apple II and the Commodore Pet, and not much else. I had access to my family's Apple II, so that's what I learned. I started off writing a Fibonacci generator, a prime number generator, did some string parsing, some light graphics work, and then wrote my first graphics game.
If you don't do well working with dry console programs, then work with graphics, controls, etc. That's fine.
However, starting off trying to write an app is very likely to get you frustrated.
There's no possible way we can give you what you need to implement your goal app in a few forum posts. You've outlined a project that will take several months of study.
If you really want to build this app then you will need to break it down into smaller areas of study, and go off and learn the skills for different parts of your app. Learn storyboards and segues. Play with those for a while. Learn navigation controllers, and how to push and pop VCs. Learn tab bar controllers.
Then go study map kit. Create an app that displays the user's current location. Then figure out how to add pins to the map. There are several map kit tutorials included in Xcode. study those and see how they work.
That's the self-study approach. The other approach is to take somebody's iOS development course, either video or book-based.
If you learn best by videos, then go find videos that work for you. The Stanford iOS tutorial series on iTunes U is supposed to be quite good. It's been re-issued based on iOS 6, so that would be a good place to start. Supposedly it's a little advanced for total beginners. However, it sounds like you are past the beginner stage.
You might want to pick up a print iOS book or 2. The Big Nerd Ranch books are quite good, as are the Apress "Beginning iOS Development" and "More iOS Development" books. The Big Nerd Ranch Objective C book will teach you the programming language in easy-to-digest steps, but you have to read each chapter, do the exercises, and experiment until you get the concepts.
You will have to slog through some rather dry skill-building exercises in order to get to the fun stage where your can bring your ideas to life in a working app. There's nothing for it but to do it. It's like getting through math classes if you want to be an engineer. However, it's worth it. Treat it like a class where you can't just skip the parts you don't like. The parts you struggle with are the parts you need to focus on, because those are the skills you lack.
Tell your parents what you are trying to do, and get their support. This is a potential future career, and so it's worth their investing some money in it. Tech books are kind of expensive, but a 13 year old kid that wants to learn programming, is motivated, and has an aptitude for it is a future rock star in the making. I turned a love of playing with computers into a lucrative career, starting at about your age.